March Madness for Mother Monster

MANILA, Philippines - March is starting off really well for Lady Gaga as the pop superstar is leading a revolution over at Twitter land with her--as of this writing--20,208,122 followers.

She is the first person to hit the 20 million mark and it's probably not just because of her fashion-forward (outlandish to some) costumes and catchy beats and lyrics, but also because of her truly making an effort to connect with her followers, which she endearingly refers to as her "little monsters."

It doesn't hurt as well that earlier this week, she launched the Born This Way Foundation over at Harvard University along with some influential personalities including Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. 

"I believe that if you have a revolutionary potential, you must make the world a better place and use it," Lady Gaga said in her speech to more than 1,100 students, faculty, and guests. 

Lady Gaga says that the foundation, named after her 2011 album and hit song, was inspired by her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, who will be its president. 

"She is the sole reason that I am here today," Lady Gaga said. "She has always believed in me. She has always been my support, and she makes me want to inject that sense of family and support into the world."

Over two million followers away is Justin Bieber (18,146,072), followed by Katy Perry (15,787,738), Shakira (14,595,976), Rihanna (14,540,017), Kim Kardashian (13,677,014), Britney Spears (13,666,610), Barack Obama (12,851,488), Taylor Swift (11,482,316), and Selena Gomez (10,752,569).

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