The hunky and the mommy on Anderson

MANILA, Philippines - We all knew him as Marky Mark but now the rapper turned actor/producer returns to his hometown with host Anderson Cooper this week. Also turning up at the studios was the extraordinarily funny Kathy Griffin (center) and none other than our host’s own mother, the very glamorous Gloria Vanderbilt. Also: Sperm donor reunions, hoarders and food addictions.

Anderson’s very first New Year’s Eve show with Griffin, bonding with Cooper’s mom Gloria was aired Monday, Dec. 26. The double Emmy-winning comedienne, never one to shy away from saying what’s on her mind, was in her true element with more stories, more dish, more of what she shouldn’t say but you know you want to hear.

The first babies born from sperm donations are now adults - and many are looking for answers to their many lingering questions. Anderson sat down with donors, donor children and mothers who chose to conceive using a sperm bank to get opinions and feelings from all sides of the story yesterday. Plus, it’ll be simply 100 percent Hugh Jackman (left): Good-humored and good-looking, as always.

Tonight, Anderson meets a woman whose hoarding is destroying her family. Both her husband and daughter confront her in an attempt to make her change her hoarding ways. Anderson also introduces the family to a therapist to help make a positive change and de-hoard their lives. Plus, organizing expert Justin Klosky is on hand to teach you how to organize and live a clutter-free life.

Cooper is joined by American film/TV producer and former rapper Mark Wahlberg tomorrow, Dec. 29 as the actor shares his struggle as a high school student in his earlier years and how he turned it around to now help the Boys & Girls Club of America. Also, listen as Ross Cappicchioni narrates his astonishing life on the wrong side of a youth gang initiation.

Food addiction is a problem for millions of people whether it is overeating or anorexia and bulimia. And on Dec. 30, Anderson tackles the problem head on by helping people control their food obsessions. Joined by a nutritional therapist, the host tries to promote food choices that are healthy for people and the planet with programs to achieve health independence.

Anderson can be seen Mondays to Fridays via Satellite at 8 to 9 p.m. with next day replays at 2 a.m. and 9 a.m. on TALKtv - Ch. 16 on SkyCable, Ch. 28 on Destiny and Ch. 21 on VHF.

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