Jay as a rice farmer in Motorcycle Diaries

MANILA, Philippines - George Foster Peabody award winner Jay Taruc (photo) drives his motorcycle up north to Nueva Ecija, to till the fields with rice farmers tonight at 8 on GMA News TV Channel 11.

He joins Tata Martin Pangilinan who has been sowing and tilling land from farm to farm for 30 years now. All the while, he has never owned his own land. He lives with his wife Fely who is sick but has been unable to seek medical assistance because of their meager income. In a tattered hut in the middle of their landlord’s farm, they suffer hunger pangs and cold nights, having given up on their hope of a better life. Why are people who plant our farmlands such as Tata Martin unable to fill their own stomachs? Taruc takes on back breaking work this week as he uncovers the sacrifices of poor peasants despite government’s promise of land reform and alleviation of the common farmer’s woes. 

Taruc combines his two passions on this one-of-a-kind program — documentaries and motorcycles. Taruc, who will largely be using the BMW GS 1200 bike for the show, proudly belongs to the Harurot Bikers Club and has won international and local recognitions for his documentaries that explore serious and oft-ignored issues in the country.  

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