A year older, wiser & better

Last Wednesday, I turned another year older. For many, birthdays are reason to celebrate. For some, it is dreaded because it means getting older. For me, it is always welcome, since it reminds me of the long-standing faithfulness of the Lord. It is a time when friends and family greet and wish me well. Indeed, it is a special day because it marks a time of a wonderful blessing — when the Lord blessed me with life.

In spite of the “grander” things that my new-found career offers me, I still prefer simple celebrations. I prefer simple things because it makes us more appreciative of what we have. Contentment is a gift that can never be surpassed by anything of material value, however expensive it is.

Another thing that comes with age is wisdom. It is remarkable how my perspective in life has evolved over the years. But of course, the values taught by my Mom have remained.

My Umagang Kay Ganda family was so sweet to celebrate my birthday on the show. I am relatively new to the group, but they have made me feel at home right from the very start. They make waking up before dawn not so much of a sacrifice. I actually look forward to each day because of the camaraderie at work, on cam and behind the scenes. But more than the cakes and the fanfare that came with that particular birthday treat, it was the genuine friendship that these kind people that I treasure most. Genuine relationships definitely beat anything that comes wrapped in a box anytime.

Most of us look forward to our birthdays anticipating the gifts we will receive. This time I tried to change this perspective, and instead challenged myself to think of how I would rather give than receive on that special day.

And since the Lord has blessed me with so many generous people whom I can never seem to “outgive,” it was quite a tall order. So I offered a prayer for all of these selfless souls, that their goodness be returned many times over, because I trust that a greater power works beyond my humble human efforts.

When I think about my colleagues, friends and family, there is really nothing else I could wish for. My special thanks to all.

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