Celia and Teody in LVN movies

Celia Flor and Teody Belarmino co-starred in two LVN movies, Yolanda and Tapis Mo Inday, both released in 1951. The films were directed by Susana C. de Guzman, then the studio’s most prolific director and writer. The two LVN movies were melodramas spiced with songs and dances, typical of the ’50s.

The two stars were paired with other LVN artists: Brothers Rogelio and Jaime de la Rosa, Jose Padilla Jr., Armando Goyena, Mario Montenegro, Leopoldo Salcedo, Tessie Quintana, Lilia Dizon, among others.

Outside LVN, Teody starred in Singsing na Sinulid with Rosa del Rosario and Heneral Paua.

Celia’s last movie was No Place to Hide, an LVN-Hollywood co-production.     — RKC

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