What you don't know about Julius Babao

You see him, you hear him everyday. And you think you know Julius Babao, one of the most trusted broadcast journalists in the country. Julius anchors the shows, Bandila, XXX, Aksyon Ngayon (with Kaye Dacer on DZMM, daily, 11am to 12 p.m.) and Radyo Patrol Balita (12 to 12:30 daily on DZMM). But do you know what movies make him cry? What he thinks about why roses have thorns or why he is afraid of dying? If you don’t, read on.

1. Would you rather be feared or loved?


2. Which period in the past would you like to visit? Why?

If I were given a choice to travel time I would go back to the time of our Lord Jesus Christ and be His follower. I want to see Him and be a witness to His miracles.  I would probably end up being one of the evangelists who documented his life in the Bible.

3. The worst book you have read?

I’ve read a lot of books but sometimes I end up not finishing some of them.  The worst books are forgettable I really can’t remember them. But the great ones I can. I loved The Kite Runner, Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code.

4. The most photogenic face in the world?

 Audrey Hepburn, Nicole Kidman and Christine Babao hahaha sipsip!

5. If you were a movie what would its title be? Why?

What a tough question. Kick-Ass? Coz I’d like to kick some ass.

6. What color describes your life? Why?

All the colors of a rainbow. It’s that colorful.

7. How would you describe your state of mind?

When my father Romeo Babao Sr. passed away recently I realized how strong I am as a person. I was able to accept his untimely death because of my faith and trust in God. If God himself was willing to sacrifice His son to save us from our sins who am I to question His will? I am at peace right now. 

8. Why do roses have thorns?

Every rose has its thorn. Just like every night has its dawn. Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song. It’s from a Poison song. Wala lang. 

 9. If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Why?

Batman, the Dark Knight. With all  the crime and corruption that is happening in our country I think we need a caped crusader to save us from these criminals. Our country will become a Gotham City if we allow these thugs to triumph over us.

10. If you were to confess only one sin to God, what would it be?

I spend too much. Hahaha.

11. If you can compete one on one with any single athlete, who would it be? Why?

Manny Pacquiao. He’s the best that we have. If I can defeat him, I’d be the best! Haha

12. What is your greatest fear?

Dying. When you really think about it when a person dies, the world does not stop. It will move on without you. I know it’s a selfish thought but it’s really sad.

13. The best place on earth? Why?

Italy!  I like everything about that country.

14. The best movie of all time? Why?

Casablanca, Cinema Paradiso and Gladiator. The best movies are the ones that make you think, make you angry, make you cry, make you laugh, and make you love.  I recently saw The King’s Speech, and I thought it was one of the best movies ever made. That, my friend, is what movie making is all about!

15. The worst movie that you have seen?

 Maybe the last movie that I saw. Black Swan. I like it for its artistic shots but I think it’s overrated.

16. Who is your greatest influence?

My father. I am who I am because of him.

17. Your biggest regret?

Not being able to tell my father how much I love him.

18. What is your favorite flower? Why?

Verbena. I love it’s caramelish smell. I have a lot of them in my garden.

19. Historical figures living or dead that you despise?

 Hitler , who else?

20. What supernatural gift would you like to have?

Invisibility. So I can sneak my way into our government officials’ homes and make a mess of it. Who knows I might find evidence to put them all in jail.

21. The worst misconception about you?

That I’m ugly and fat.  When I meet people on the streets or in malls, they always tell me, “Uy ang gwapo mo pala, saka ang payat mo!” I always tell them,  everybody gains 10 pounds on TV, subukan mo kaya.

22. The one movie that made a lasting impression on you? Why?

Casablanca. I’m a hardcore romantic and I believe it is the most romantic movie of all time. When at the end of the movie, Rick tells Ilsa to choose her boyfriend Viktor instead of him, that destroyed me! And besides it’s also my wife’s favorite movie.

23. What do you like most about your work? What don’t you like about it?

I like my work because I like to help people. I think it’s one of the best professions in the world where you get paid for enjoying the things that you do. But I also feel sad because at the end of the day we are always measured by ratings and survey results.

24. Complete the sentence…The world is a better place to live in if…

People will not steal.  I would like to borrow this line from the Kite Runner.  “There is only one sin. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft. When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife’s right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone’s right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness.”

25. When are you happiest?

I am happiest when I am with my family.

26. If you have wings, where would you go?

I’ll travel around the world.

27. The movie that made you cry?

Cinema Paradiso, Chaplin and Gladiator.

28. What is your philosophy in life?

My favorite is by Pericles. What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments but what is woven into the lives of others.

29. How do you want to be remembered?

As someone who has made a difference in the lives of people.

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