Heroes on SOLARtv

MANILA, Philippines - The fifth season of Heroes airs Tuesday nights at 10 on SOLARtv.

The sci-fi series shows Claire traveling to the carnival and finding an open invitation. Noah confesses the truth to Lauren about their past relationship. Peter uses the Haitian’s ability to get rid of Sylar and bring back Nathan, but must deal with an unexpected choice by Nathan.

Angela Petrelli meets with Peter Petrelli, informing him he must move to the “fifth stage” and accept that Nathan Petrelli is dead. Peter intends to confront Sylar and force Nathan out of him by use of sedatives. The Haitian arrives upon Peter’s request and he absorbs his ability as a backup plan. Peter runs into Sylar almost immediately, who had shape-shifted into a nurse, and Peter escapes onto a floor of the hospital undergoing renovations.

Sylar dumps all the medical supplies out of his bag, but Peter uses the Haitian’s ability to suppress Sylar’s abilities. After a brief fist fight, Peter manages to literally pin Sylar to a table with a nail gun. Peter then uses the Haitian’s other ability to suppress Sylar’s mind deep down, allowing Nathan to resurface. Nathan and Peter take a walk out onto the same rooftop that was seen in Don’t Look Back. Nathan tells Peter he can’t keep fighting Sylar and needs to accept his death. Peter refuses, but then Nathan takes a running start and throws himself over the roof. Peter quickly grabs hold of him, but Nathan tells him to let him go. Peter refuses and attempts to pull him up, but Nathan tells him that it’s time for him to move on and still fight the good fight. He tells him that he loves him and asks him to take care of Claire.

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