The greening of Quezon City

MANILA, Philippines - The Quezon City government, represented by Mayor Herbert Bautista, and Vice-Mayor Joy Belmonte, and the Rotary International District 3780, represented by its District Governor, Gov. Ambo Gancayco, signed a Memorandum of Agreement for the Q.C. - Green City and Tree Planting Project last month at the Q.C. Memorial Circle. The event was organized by the two lead clubs namely Rotary Club of Quezon City Circle and Rotary Club of Eastwood headed by its Global Presidents Cristy Dagdag and Grace Fojas, respectively. Also present during the signing were Rotary District 2780 First Lady Dot Gancayco, District Governor Nominee Penny Policarpio, and District Environmental Chair Baby Buenvanetura.

The agreement states that the Quezon City government shall identify all thoroughfares, parks, and other areas wherein trees or plants need to be planted; as much as possible, provide the appropriate/alternate seedlings to be planted; coordinate with offices that have jurisdiction over the sites; render technical assistance; and, provide funds, if any is available, for the project.

On the other hand, the Rotary International District 3780 shall assist the Q.C. government in identifying planting sites; plant properly the planting materials; as much as possible, provide proper maintenance and protection of the planted trees/other plants; provide appropriate signboards, tarpaulins, or signages for the information of the community/public on the environmental project/s; assist in the funding requirements of the activities; and, perform other environmental activities agreed upon with the Q.C. Government.

After the MOA signing, the RI D-3780 Rotary Clubs planted 150 different species of trees on the designated area identified by the Q.C. Parks and Administration Department headed by Engr. Zaldy De la Rosa. The tree holes were made by the Philippine Air Force Civil Relations Group headed by Rotarian Lt. Roy Lopez and Philippine National Police men tapped by Rotary District 3780 Global President and NCRPO Chief Nick Bartolome. Both Mayor Bautista and Vice-Mayor Belmonte joined the tree-planting.

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