The Bunevaczes put up fitness business in US

MANILA, Philippines - Three years after settling in the US, former Philippine athlete David Bunevacz and his wife Jessica Rodriguez are making hay with business ventures that include health and industrial products.

Riding on the wave of maintaining one’s youthful glow by delaying the tell-tale signs of aging without going under the knife, they have come up with the wrinkle reducer cream Novoris which help replenish stem cells. The secret ingredient, David says, is Marine Collagen, which studies show, assists the skin in becoming firmer and softer. “The product has been tested on many people and on every skin variation and they got the same result: Much improved and softer skin which lasts for days and not only after washing the face,” says David. But more than for its appearance, the skin benefits from Novoris’ hydrating quality.

Another great product that the couple has brought to the market is FIT Diet. A calorie crystal that expands more than 200 times its size, it can be sprinkled on food that then surrounds it before it gets digested by the body. The body reads it as pure fiber, giving one a sense of satiety faster and longer. “FIT Diet will surely be revolutionary because you can still eat the normal portions as you usually do since the product not only expand on the food but inside the stomach,” David says of the US-made product. The couple so believes in FIT Diet that Jessica herself will be product’s endorser.

A good companion product to FIT Diet is the Vyo Tech line of nutritional supplements. One of the most popular in the catalogue is the lotion AbSolution Plus which is said to reduce the size and circumference of a targeted area in less than an hour after application.

For married couples who want to enhance their intimate moments, there is the laboratory and government-tested KABOOM Action Strips. A unique oral formula that is designed to increase vitality and improve male sexual function, the product will be featured in the sixth episode of Entourage (Season 7) on HBO. “We are just now kicking off a campaign for the product in Europe,” David reports. “There isn’t anything like it on the market.” The efficacy of KABOOM Action Strips can last up to 48 hours. It is being used by both men and women from the ages of 20 to 70 and is in huge demand in Turkey.

Apart from health products, David is behind the Mighty Coat and the Mighty Guard brands. Both products are revolutionary coating systems that each keep fabrics and steel surfaces cleaner longer, repel water and protect those surfaces against mold, mildew and staining. “A couple of friends I knew had been using a generic product made of the same materials from Australia and they swore by it. So, I decided to give it a brand name of Mighty Guards for synthetics and clothing, and Mighty Coat for industrial use like cars and windows, etc.,” David differentiates.

Beyond their businesses, the Bunevacz family leads a happy and peaceful life in California. All three kids are taking a break from their grueling schedule in school this summer. Eldest daughter, Hayca had just spent the summer in Europe while her baby sister Breanna took up gymnastics and horseback-riding lessons. Grant is currently into sports, as well as taking up acting lessons here and there.

David and Jessica are drawing up plans for the renewal of vows for their 10th wedding anniversary which they say will be an intimate affair. The renewal of vows will fall on Oct. 10, also in California. Jessica, this early, is already busy putting together preparations for the big day. Some of her closest friends and family from home will be flying in to join them in the momentous occasion. Jessica says their marriage is still one of God’s mighty blessings to them. “We were able to stand all the storms in our life and that is because we stay together in love and faith in God,” she said.

David says, “We get to spend a lot more time together here. We do miss our friends in the Philippines but life here is simpler.”

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