Jopay & Joshua's aborted honeymoon

MANILA, Philippines - Sexbomb Jopay Paguia and Maneouvre Joshua Zamora are in love; a fact they don’t deny to their fans and friends who are one in saying that they make a sweet and romantic couple on and off screen.

On TV5’s suspense-thriller-comedy Midnight DJ tomorrow night, Jopay (Frennie) and Joshua (Kael) are newly weds who look forward to a cozy honeymoon… inside a mosquito net. The net wraps them into a cocoon and the following morning Frennie finds Kael’s lifeless body beside her.

Our brave Pinoy heroes Samboy (Oyo Sotto), Bodjie (Joaqui Tupas), Andrea (Desiree del Valle), Trixie (Jenny Miller), QT (Meg Imperial), Kimchi (Lucia Cristobal), Arthur (John Medina) and Ka Tokleng (Gilbert Telis) are summoned to solve the mysterious death of Kael. After an investigation and interviews with the townsfolk the MDJ gang discovers that the killer mosquito net is none other than Kulabat, a big fat woman with pale skin and body wrapped with web-like material who brings danger and death to whoever sleeps inside the kulambo.

Don’t fail to watch MDJ directed by Lore Reyes and line produced by Angie Samson-Valvieja of Big Top Productions to find out how Samboy and friends learn why Kulabat kills, try to outwit her and finally put an end to her evil ploys.

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