And the dreamboat

MANILA, Philippines - Well-known to young horror fans from his portrayal of the vampire Emmett Cullen in the popular Twilight series, heartthrob Kellan Lutz now stars in New Line Cinema’s new suspense thriller A Nightmare on Elm Street. He plays Dean, a popular young “jock” who is among the first to learn of the life-threatening aspect of the night-time encounters with Freddy Krueger.  

In the movie, a group of suburban teenagers share one common bond: They are all being stalked by Freddy Krueger, a horribly disfigured killer who hunts them in their dreams. As long as they stay awake, they can protect one another… but when they sleep, there is no escape.

“Dean is a character who you can tell has a lot of issues just by looking at him,” says Lutz. “He’s extremely disturbed by the dreams and determined not to go to sleep, so he’s on pills to stay awake. He comes to this diner to drink coffee with the hope he won’t fall asleep, but ends up falling into a dreamlike state and has a terrifying encounter with Freddy.”

Once Dean realizes that the bladed madman in his dreams can actually draw blood, he becomes the messenger who places the other teens on alert. “My character describes his visions and his nightmares of Freddy to Kris, Katie Cassidy’s character,” Lutz recounts.

Opening soon in theaters, A Nightmare on Elm Street, is presented by Warner Bros. Pictures in association with New Line Cinema.

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