Want to watch AI 'live' in Hollywood?

MANILA, Philippines - You think you are stuck in your seat watching American Idol on your TV all your life?

The Greenwich Presents Star World Xtreme Idol Challenge Promo will give two passes to the American Idol finale, round-trip tickets for two to LA, and hotel accommodations.

Now you can watch the two grand finalists during their performance night and Season’s finale live wow fans all over the world. Hear host Ryan Seacrest announce the American Idol winner at the famous Kodak Theater in Hollywood.

Participants will be required to text IDOL STAR along with their account number or cable operator for Star World subscribers or text IDOL with their coupons for Greenwich customers to 2600.

Twelve raffle winners will take home American Idol good bags with T-shirt, CD case, and shower kit. Promo will run from February 8–April 4, 2010 and open for Star World subscribers and Greenwich customers after purchase of certain products. See posters and print ads for more details.

American Idol airs Wednesdays and Thursdays live at 6 p.m. with prime time encore at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m on Star World.

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