Mr. & Ms. Sexy Body 2010 winners

MANILA, Philippines - Twenty-nine hunks and babes flaunted their sexy bodies to an SRO crowd at the recent Mr. & Ms. Sexy Body 2010 grand finals at The Brick Road. Akafellas, Myrus, Soul Symphony and LXD provided entertainment.

Grand winners are Daimarie Singh, also named Ms. Sexiest Smile (Photogenic) and Ms. Aficionado and TJ Bautista, who was also awarded Sexiest in Swimwear & Mr. Aficionado. Each took home over P40,000 worth of cash, gift certificates plus other prizes from sponsors.  

First runners-up are    Anjel Belmonte, also voted Ms. Sexiest in Swimwear and EJ Mapoy. Each won P30,000 worth of cash and gift certificates. Second runners-up are   Miriam Reginaldo who was also named Ms. Calcium Cee and Paolo Sarmiento who also won Mr. Sexiest Beach Body.

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