Ex-Mormon voted out

Survivor: Tocantins castaway Tyson Apostol

MANILA, Philippines – He may have proven that he’s the person to beat when he won the individual immunity challenge twice in a row. But the table was turned when his own allies decided to vote out Tyson Apostol on the last episode of Survivor: Tocantins on Q-11.

The start of the episode showed all the remaining castaways of Forza tribe aiming at Sierra as the next target for elimination. There just seemed to be no chance at all for her to stay after she sided with Brendan (first jury member) in voting out Coach during the last Tribal Council. Tyson even declared to Sierra’s face that the vote against her serves as the consequence of the choice she made (her siding with Brendan) and that she cannot change it.

The tribe’s unanimous vote against Sierra was evident in the challenges. J.T., Erinn, Debbie, and Tyson, after winning the Reward Challenge, strategically sent Stephen out to Exile Island for the second time.

Back at camp, Erinn pointed out to J.T. and Taj that there couldn’t be a more perfect time to vote out Tyson, who has become a major threat in the challenges, than in the next Tribal Council. Convinced, J.T., along with Stephen, Taj, Erinn, and Sierra, decided to take advantage of the opportunity. And so by five votes, Tyson, who spent two years as a Mormon missionary in the Philippines, was out of the game.

Catch Survivor: Tocantins Fridays, via satellite at 2 p.m., with a primetime telecast at 7:25 p.m. and a weekend replay on Saturdays, 4 p.m.

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