How Daughtry put rock back at the top

More than two years after he placed fourth in the American Idol’s Season 5, Chris Daughtry continues to prove (beyond any reasonable doubt) that he is, indeed, one of the top-rated talent search’s most popular non-winners. It happens all the time — you know, the also-rans becoming more popular, and oftentimes more successful, than the winners. Case in point: Jennifer Hudson (finalist during the AI season 3 won by Fantasia Barrino) who went on to win a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for Dreamgirls in which she unwittingly stole a number of scenes from co-star Beyoncé Knowles.

The name Chris Daughtry now rings more bells than the winner Taylor Hicks does, doesn’t it?

His band’s eponymous first album, released last year, is touted to be the fastest-selling rock debut in history, placing No. 1 on The Billboard Top 200 Albums chart and thus reviving interest in what is (maybe unfairly) described as a “moribund” genre — rock, that is. It’s also the first rock band release in nearly 20 years, since Bon Jovi’s 1988 classic New Jersey.

Here’s how the Daughtry bio described the phenomenon:

Use any measurement you like — in an era of digitized, customized-shuffling music-wallpaper styling — and Daughtry has almost single-handedly given the genre back its heart, resurrecting an endangered species via the bluesy swagger of What I Want, and the image-shredding angst of Feels Like Tonight, restoring its nomadic longing for place in Home, its righteous indignation of It’s Not Over.

Chris (on vocals) himself formed the band named after him, with four other members who should share credit for the album’s phenomenal success — Josh Paul, bass; Joey Barnes, drums; Brian Craddock, guitar; and Josh Steely, guitar.

The Daughtry band is mounting a one-night special concert on July 29 (a Tuesday), starting at 8 p.m., at Eastwood City Central Plaza in Libis, Quezon City. The Pinoy Idol finalists will be the front act.

Funfare did an exclusive interview by phone with Josh Paul. Here are snatches:

Did you have any inkling that your album would hit No. 1 on Billboard’s Top 200?

No, we never thought it would but we are happy that it did. It’s just very fortunate that it’s the case. Yeah, it’s a good feels good!”

Did all the members have a hand in selecting and writing the songs on the album?

“It’s actually a collective effort, you know. All of us do scripts; all of us have good ideas; we all work together. I wouldn’t single out just one because, as I’ve said, we all work together.”

One of the songs on the album is called It’s Not Over. What is “not over” yet?

“It can mean anything, really. It could mean that one is in the process of getting rid of bad habits, you know. It’s hard to say; it all depends on how you interpret the song.”

Aside from the selections on the album, what other songs are you going to do during your concert in Manila?

“Pretty much all of them. Hahahaha!”

But, of course! I’m sure all the songs on the album are memorable to you. But which song speaks for the band at the moment?

“Hmmmm. Let me see...Personally, I think it’s What I Want. Play the song and you will know why I like that more than any other songs on the album.”

Your album is said to have pumped blood into an “endangered species,” rock that is. You must be very happy with such honor.

“Yeah, it feels good!”

Have you always been interested in rock more than in any other type of music?

“Yes, definitely! I’ve always been a rock fan since I was young. I have in my collection all the rock albums you can think of. I do listen to other types of music every now and then but I’m really a rock guy.”

Do you still remember the first rock song that you learned?

“Oh, that was a long time ago! Yes, Stairway to Heaven.”

Aside from Bon Jovi, do the band members have other rock role models?

“Personally, I really admire a few other rock artists like Chuck Berry and the Heartbreakers.”

Any other artists who have influenced your music?

“Yeah, a few. Duran Duran is one of them.”

After the Daughtry album, what next?

“We’re working on our next album, to be released sometime next year.”

(Note: Daughtry — Live at Eastwood City is presented by Eastwood City in cooperation with Samsung, Clear Men, Lipton Milk Tea, Magic 89.9, MTV Philippines, Manila Bulletin and Music Management Int’l. D, and in participation with McDonald’s, Fudge magazine, C! magazine, Gadgets magazine, NU 107, Odyssey Music & Video, Information Gateway, Business World, and Sony-BMG Music Entertainment. For tickets, call Eastwood City Customer Information Center at 687-1499 and 687-6770 to 74; or Ticketnet at 911-5555.)

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