The surprise came before Halloween

One of my favorite things about being who I am is role playing.

Being an actress means being capable of creating emotions and make believing that something is real. It requires a lot of imagination, too.

There are times when some celebrities end up losing their real identities when they get stuck between roles. I have always enjoyed pretending to be someone I’m not.

Halloween is one day where we can be anyone we want to be. We can dress up and enjoy every minute of it.

Although Halloween is supposed to be scary, some use it as an excuse to look extra fabulous, like I did!

I was not able to enjoy the last weekend of the celebration for this event because I was at work, but I sure made the most of it on Halloween Day itself and it was perfect!

It took me hours to try and put on an outfit together and figure out who I could be for that one day. I was able to find this really old catsuit-looking outfit way down at the bottom of my collection.

I still have no idea who I was exactly. I think I could have probably passed as a “superhero in the making” since I didn’t have any other accessories on.

My night was well spent with some good old friends.

I still remember how I got really sick and ended up in the hospital after Halloween last year.

I couldn’t be thankful enough to have enjoyed every second of it and be home safe this time.

The real Halloween experience for me, however, was during our taping in Bulacan for Boys Nxt Door last weekend.

We had been taping from early morning of Saturday until past midnight.

It was almost 3 a.m. and we had three more scenes to shoot. As we waited patiently for the crew to set up the lights, the generator suddenly shut down and left the surroundings pitch black.

We were in the middle of a huge compound with an old creepy house surrounded with big trees.

At that moment, I was walking towards the set alone and I almost fainted from fear when I couldn’t see nor hear anything when the lights went off.

It was pitch black for a minute until my eyes were able to adjust to the light from the skies. It was really a very scary moment for me.

Good thing I was wearing a white long gown and someone was able to locate me and guide me to where everyone else was.

It took some time for the generator to start working again, so we had to just use torches for light.

After a few minutes, the generator was back for a few seconds, then shut down again. The second time around, the staff was already planning how they could cure the three scenes left just in case we weren’t able to continue shooting that night.

Luckily, the generator was back and we were ready for a take. However, it didn’t end there. We were not able to get the scene done right away because, for some reason, we experienced problems with the audio.

I began to remember what we had talked about while the generator was being fixed. There was one time when they were taping and experienced problems with the audio, so they decided to use a boom mic instead.

It is usually harder to shoot with this because it captures live sound, which means they need to make sure it was only the actors speaking all throughout the take.

While they were reviewing this one scene they took, they heard this loud noise screaming right into the microphone itself.

I was getting ready for something like that to happen again, but I was glad we were able to do our scenes with no problem at all.

At the end of all this, I am glad I was able to experience both the scary and fun side of this year’s Halloween. If you have been too busy to experience something extraordinary this week, you must watch the movie Halloween. Watching the film is more than enough of an experience.

Boys Nxt Door airs today on GMA 7 right after SOP. Catch it and let me know if you hear any extra noises on the set.

Enjoy, smile and have a wonderful day.

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