The Pussycat Dolls bring back girl bands

Time Magazine had something not-so-nice to say about The Pussycat Dolls in its year-ender issue. "Ever wonder what we’d do without females in fishnets who sing pop hits like Don’t Cha?" Time asked in a recap about 15 Who Had Their 15 Minutes of Fame people. Also in the list is Nick Lachey, post Jessica Simpson. So that should give you a better idea of what the list is really about. It also provided an answer, "No, neither do we." Now given recent developments, I wonder what Time will say about The Pussycat Dolls come next December.

I also wonder if the people at Time will eat crow because the success of the fun song and dance ensemble has certainly gone beyond the 15-minute limit. The Pussycat Dolls have single-handedly brought the cute and sexy girl group concept that we last saw in the Spice Girls, back to the top of the charts. And with big hits like the teasing Don’t Cha, a duet with Busta Rhymes produced by Cee-Lo that asks Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me….and Stickwitu, these girls are hotter than ever.

Of particular interest to Pinoys among the Dolls is the lovely Nicole Scherzinger, the Hawaiian-born lead singer who is of Hawaiian, Russian and Filipino parentage. She was formerly with the group Eden’s Crush of the hit tune Get Over Yourself. There are also Jessica Sutta, formerly captain of the Miami Heat dance troupe, Carmit Bacher, a dancer and gymnast who was the La Vida Loca girl in Ricky Martin’s world tour, Ashley Roberts, a dancer, Kimberly Wyatt, also a dancer; and newcomer Melody Thornton, the only Latina and African-American among the girls who was discovered in an open audition.

Admittedly looks and dancing talent are the primary requirements to become a Pussycat Doll. Remember they first made a name being fronted by popular pin-up girl Carmen Electra. Thanks to a high profile line-up of collaborators and producers though, Will. I. Am of The Black Eyed Peas and Timbaland also worked in the album, the girls have transcended this initial impression and turned into a lively, enjoyable pop act that young girls just love to dance and sing along with.

Does the success of The Pussycat Dolls mean that we will be getting more Spice Girls or maybe I should say Pussycat Dolls wanna-bes in the future? Maybe. Two hits in a row from a first album say so and the presence of other potential hit singles have totally erased the joke factor. These girls now mean serious business. Proof is that females who like to dream they can look like The Dolls can now buy Pussycat Dolls make-up. Besides, contrary to what Time says, we can all use the funtime that singing, dancing females in fishnets provide once in a while.

The Pussycat Dolls album also includes Beep featuring Will. I. Am., Wait a Minute, Buttons, I Don’t Need a Man, Hot Stuff (I Want You Back), How Many Times How Many Lies, Bite the Dust, Right Now, Tainted Love (Where Did Our Love Go), Feelin’ Good and the much-loved standard, Sway, that was used in the soundtrack of the movie Shall We Dance.
Top videos
Meanwhile from MYX, the leading music, here are the top videos of the week: Kung Wala Ka by Hale; Ulan by Cueshé; Una by Sponge Cola; Sandalan by 6cyclemind; You Raise Me Up by Westlife; I Still by the Backstreet Boys; Everything You Do by Christian Bautista; Don’t Forget About Us by Mariah Carey; Stickwitu by The Pussycat Dolls; Confessions of a Broken Heart by Lindsay Lohan;

Beat of My Heart
by Hilary Duff; My Humps by The Black Eyed Peas; Para Sa ‘yo by Parokya ni Edgar; Akin Ka Na Lang by Itchyworms; If You Walk Away by Rachelle Ann Go; Stand Up for Love by Destiny’s Child; Hung Up by Madonna; Luxurious by Gwen Stefani; Push the Button by the Sugababes; and When I’m Gone by Eminem.

Sugababes less sweeter

Speaking of the Sugababes, half Filipino member Mutya Buena has left the group. She said the decision was prompted by personal reasons and she remains friends with fellow Sugababes Heidi Rangee and Keisha Buchanan. This is most unfortunate because the trio is currently riding high with the success of Taller In More Ways, their fourth album and their best ever.

Sugababes has two triple Platinum selling albums, Angels With Dirty Faces and Three, three No. 1 selling singles, Freak Like Me, Round Round and Hole In The Head, plus a Brit Award, a Q Award, Smash Hit Award and an Elle Style Award. Mutya was the last founding member of the Sugababes. She will be replaced by Amelle Berrabah.

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