American Idol’s Final Four

Bless Star World for allowing viewers to watch American Idol when they want. The show goes on several times a day on Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you missed the live telecast at 4 p.m., you can catch the proceedings at 8 p.m. and then later again at 11:30 and even the next day at 11 a.m. No way anybody can miss it and I admit that if the episode is exceptionally good, I even watch the replays.

While I sometimes complain about reality TV having put intriguing mysteries like Law and Order out of the local skeds, it cannot be denied that American Idol makes for a great viewing experience. It is real-life melodrama at its best with suspense, fabulous music, interesting characters including "villains" like Simon Cowell, plus the idea of the audience being able to participate in the tearful, inspiring outcome. The contestants do not only sing, they are singing for their lives and the audience plays god when they cast that life-changing vote.

American Idol
is a singing contest but it is really all about which contestant can bring in the most votes. While this system adds to the show’s mass appeal, it can also be its undoing. Anybody who makes it to the finals can spend all his savings or even mortgage his home to "invest" in himself. Having all the money he can get will enable him to pay the massive phone bills he will have to pay later. He can also hire people to vote for him to win or at least to get into the top slots. I do not say that this is what has been happening but the truth is, a contestant goes home if he gets the lowest number of votes. He has to make those votes happen and the public is not really that reliable in matters like this.

Putting the balance on this system of choosing the winner is the presence of the judges, which is really very important. The comments of Cowell plus Randy Jackson and Paula Abdul guide the "uncommitted" voters to choose only the best. They can be harsh at times, especially Cowell but that is understandable. That is the only way for them to preserve the integrity of the contest. Otherwise, if he has enough votes, any Tom, Dick or Harry can win.

This can really be unfair. It was the reason why the mediocre Jasmine Trias got as far as the top three during the last season and why a major talent like Constantine Maroulis lost this year. I admit that Nickelback’s How You Remind Me was a bad choice. You do Nickelback for fun, not to win a singing competition. Maroulis had already received 35 million votes prior to being sent home and might have gone on to win the contest. Did he lose because of Nickelback? No. He lost because his followers did not send enough votes.

While it was sad to lose sexy heartthrob Constantine, it is still a fact that this year’s batch of finalists is the best ever. All of them, even those sent packing earlier like Anwar Robinson, Jessica Sierra, Nikko Smith and Nadia Turner had great moments and evinced the extraordinary qualities that can make them a true American Idol. And that includes last week’s casualty Scott Savol who has a wonderfully pleasing voice but has lately been the target of criticism. This is the reason why with only three weeks to go until the finals, there is still no clear winner.

Will it be Anthony Fedorov or Vonzelle Solomon? These two are cast pretty much in the pop/R&B mold of the previous Idol winners. This makes them strong choices especially if the same sort of people are voting. Think runner-up Clay Aiken and last year’s winner Fantasia Barrino. Bo Dice and Carrie Underwood though bring something new and exciting to the contest. Carrie has the looks and versatility that can make for another Faith Hill while Bo reminds me of a young Michael McDonald, a rocking Doobie Brother who can mesmerize with Motown. They are long shots if you consider the previous choices but either one will be like a breath of fresh air.

The suspense is killing, but the choice of the winner really boils down to who gets the most votes. Sad? Unfair? Maybe. But no votes are needed to tell us that American Idol viewers like us are being treated to another enjoyable season.

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