Much ado over sex videos

After the big brouhaha about sex videos on television talk shows, here are some random, residual thoughts and wild imaginings from one caught in the maelstrom of being a talk show host, a talent manager and a frail member of the human race.

Why are sex videos such a big deal? Because they are like pornographic movies starring celebrities except that they are not acting. They’re doing it for real. Imagine the curiosity they create to a public that salivates at anything forbidden. The cellular phones have also made the business of film distribution really easy and depending on who is in the sex video dictates the gravity of the scandal or the inanity of the video.

Why are there sex videos? Who makes them? Some are done by unscrupulous people on hapless victims who are either drunk or sleeping. This is despicable. This is abusive. Victims should seek for justice but some choose to keep quiet. They walk away from the attendant scandal that goes with it. Some sex videos are done by the celebrities themselves. They enjoy it. They are the private consumption. They guard them with lives!

Some celebrities brag about their sex prowess via videos. They carry them on their mobile phones. They send them to friends and families like Christmas greetings cards!

Some record their sex acts and purposely send them to media people. These are pathetic perverts who enjoy courting disaster.

Some take videos of themselves- like Narcissus falling in love with his own reflection in a pond of water. By mistake some send them to other people. Imagine the explosion that ensues.

There are celebrities who even ask friends to take their videos like they’re joining America’s Funniest Video. Some people just love to show off!

Given all these and more, what should be shown on TV and what shouldn’t be shown at all? Do these videos destroy the celebrity industry, even if some of the perpetrators are celebrities themselves? Whether by design or negligence – or by accident? Are these sex videos responsible for the moral decay said to be happening in our society?

Shouldn’t the guys who took advantage of a helpless, sleeping young girl in her naked glory be punished? Shouldn’t they be exposed by exposing the video scandal? Or is it always more prudent and more decent to keep quiet and let the blue waters of Boracay wash away the sordid memory of this harrowing experience of the girl?

Shouldn’t a man who send photos of his organ to his ex-wife and friends be expose so that people would know that it is the wrong thing to do? Or should people keep their eyes closed and pretend that it’s okay, anyway, it is his thing, not anyone’s.

Each one of us is different. Even in the practice of sex. And we are at our most vulnerable in this area. People commit mistakes. One is hardly prudent when in heat much more in orgasmic state. A celebrity can be a victim of his own pleasures.

Here, I believe that celebrities deserve some compassion. But one would say, why? To whom much is given, much is expected. I have no answer. Except perhaps to remind friends in the business and myself to be really careful and to do what is right no matter how daunting it is. But video stories - either on sex or the morning after, whether in talk shows or investigative shows, should be premised not around the destruction of a human being.

That, to me, is the point.

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