Prayers to St. Philomena

When senatoriable Jinggoy Estrada was detained with his father, former President Joseph Estrada, at the Veterans Memorial Hospital, he was swamped with estampitas and other religious materials by his mom, Sen. Loi Ejercito, everytime she visited them.

"Now I know all the saints," Jinggoy told The STAR in an interview after he was released late last year. "Mga barkada ko na sila," he added with a smile.

In passing, Jinggoy mentioned that his favorite saint is St. Philomena who should be familiar to avid listeners of Jun Banaag’s Dr. Love program on DZMM, who would sometimes cap the night with a prayer to St. Philomena who is known for helping the sick and the depressed and playing the St. Philomena song composed by the late Danny Holmsen (whose murder last year has remained unsolved).

One of those who read Jinggoy’s STAR interview was Dina Reyes, president and national director of the Universal Living Rosary Foundation of St. Philomena, Inc. (with offices at 430 Mayon St., 1114 Quezon City). Dina sent Funfare some rosaries, literature on St. Philomena and prayers to St. Philomena, some of which I am publishing below.

"Sen. Loi Ejercito has been a St. Philomena devotee since 2002," Dina mentioned in her note to Funfare. "She and some members of her family are Living Rosary associates."

According to Dina, the first and only Santuario de Santa Philomena in the Philippines is located at The Most Holy Redeemer Parish, Malac St., Masambong, San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City. There, you will find St. Philomena enthroned on a beautiful altar, dressed by the late Joe Salazar who was a Living Rosary member and St. Philomena devotee.

It’s stated in one of the pamphlets sent to Funfare by Dina that "in 1802, after 1500 years of obscurity in the catacombs, the precious relics of St. Philomena, Virgin and Martyr, were discovered on May 24, feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians. Within 35 years of her discovery, this young Grecian Princess was raised to the altars and proclaimed the Wonder-worker of the 19th century. So numerous and striking were the miracles obtained through her powerful intercession that shrines, altars and monuments were erected worldwide in honor of St. Philomena, Powerful with God.

"While to other saints is granted the power of helping us in one or more necessities, St. Philomena has been granted the power of helping us in every necessity, both spiritual and temporal. Let us turn to her with great confidence, love and faith. She is the ‘beloved daughter’ of Jesus and Mary to whom nothing is refused."

Dina is inviting everybody to tune in to the St. Philomena, Patroness of the Living Rosary program on Radio Veritas 846 AM band every Saturday, 8:30 to 9 p.m.

"Those who wish to receive more information and a free copy of St. Philomena novena prayers may write to the National Center of the Living Rosary and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope," said Dina.

Here are some prayers to St. Philomena:

• Prayer to St. Philomena

Illustrious Virgin and Martyr, St. Philomena, behold me kneeling in spirit before the throne on which it has pleased the Most Holy Trinity to place thee. Full of confidence in thy protection, I beseech thee to intercede for me with God. From the heights of thy heavenly country, deign to cast a look upon thy humble servant. Spouse of Jesus Christ, console me in my troubles, strengthen me in temptations, protect me from the dangers which surround me on every side, and obtain all the graces necessary for me, especially (here mention your particular intention). Above all, assist me at the hour of my death. Amen.

• Prayer for the Sick

St. Philomena, who hast restored health to the sick, obtain for us health of body and especially of soul, so that following thy footsteps in the way of humility, penance and detachment from the world and from ourselves, we may merit to share with thee the ineffable joys of Eternity. Amen.

(Say your intention followed by one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.)

St. Philomena, pray for us!

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