KC is now teen icon

Everybody loves KC.

But just who is this 18-year old miss named Kristina Cassandra Concepcion? Who is this girl who has inspired such unabashed adulation from people from all walks of life?

Remember how she was able to launch a thousand fads without lifting a finger? Two years back, when she cut her hair short and spiky, every young girl in town wanted to sport the same style. Now that she wears her hair long, my niece insists on using hair extenders.

Without a doubt, KC is a teen icon.

As they say, generations have icons they call their own. Previous generations had the likes of Susan Magalona and Elvira Manahan who epitomized class, amazing grace and grit. Inarguably, it is KC in her generation.

When you say fresh, young star, KC is the first name that comes to mind. No other girl comes close. And the astonishing thing is, KC is largely unaware of her own iconic status. She doesn’t even try! She’s a natural. That is precisely one of the traits of a genuine icon. It’s a joyful unconcern for her own budding celebrity.

And what more can you ask of a teen icon?

She’s smart. She’s pretty. She’s rich. And in spite of all these, she has remained inexplicably grounded. She embodies all the impossible oxymorons you can possibly conjure – she seems unreachable and yet she touches you by surprise. She disarms you by doing absolutely nothing.

You can only gape when you finally come face to face with her.

That’s what happened when we mounted KC’s grand launch as the newest pH Care Lady. Everyone in Ratsky’s Tomas Morato was practically gushing at the end of our one-on-one interview. (I mean, when she turned her head to the left, everyone craned his neck toward her P.O.V.).

As a teen icon, she is today’s standard of beauty. But what is more significant (and lasting) is that the girl has a good head on her shoulders. Before the Ratsky’s interview, we wanted to fax a questionnaire, as part of protocol, to pH Care’s advertising agency, Basic. But KC was rather adamant about it: "If Tito Boy is doing the asking, I am willing to answer anything."

How can you not be charmed by such gumption?

More than her physical beauty (and she is one of the most attractive faces of her generation), it is her effortless élan and her natural self-assurance that shine through. It is really more than just self-confidence. It is because confidence is a much-abused word in the biz these days. Anyone who can sashay on the catwalk in front of a crowd can claim to be confident. Anyone who can endure an inane question-and-answer portion in a beauty pageant can call herself confident.

But KC is truly gifted, abundantly blessed. After all, real confidence is having the right amount of courage and common sense. And although we do not intend to box her in, KC is disarming, honest, brilliant. She answered even the more ticklish questions with aplomb. That takes courage, I think.

Indeed, it takes amazing grit and grace to live her life.

I used to complain that it is so arduous to draw stories out from today’s young stars, but KC proved to be the exception. She is inspiring. Empowering even. For someone who has had all the chances to be spoiled, KC is incredibly intact.

Notwithstanding the pain and tears of the past, KC seems stubbornly optimistic and well-equipped to face life’s harsh realities head-on. That was the main reason why, as I asked my barrage of questions, I couldn’t help but feel proud of Shawie (mom Sharon Cuneta to most Pinoys). I am so proud of the way Shawie brought up KC. KC grew up in showbiz, and showbiz is proud.

In spite of the glare of the spotlight, where every change of hairdo is headline-hogging news, KC remains oh-so-down-to-earth, oh-so-unassuming. For her debut, instead of asking for gifts from her guests, she requested that they donate to her four pet charities: Happy Earth, Pangarap Shelter, House of Refuge Foundation and Humpback Whale Research and Conservation.

"I am so grateful to all the donors," she confided to us. "The organizations were able to start new projects. Hopefully, the donors will keep on giving even long after the event. Maybe next year on my next birthday, they can make an anniversary contribution? Maybe they can turn it into an annual tradition?"

I am not saying that she’s fit for canonization. Truth be told, KC is only Human (as her clothing apparel never tires to remind us). But as an interviewee, KC can perform verbal calisthenics with the best of them (her mom, included).

Asked to name the sexiest man in her book, she bypassed such expected candidates as Luis Manzano, Jericho Rosales and Piolo Pascual and hand-picked South Border band leader Jay Durias. You can agree with her. You can disagree with her. But she leaves you simply in awe. Simply more riveted and interested in everything that she has to say. And that’s a rare gift, that precious talent to express herself in her own language, in her own rhythm.

And you get the feeling that even if she stumbles in the future (knock on wood!), she would, without skipping a beat, rise up, dust herself off, and do it all in high style. Like Mega, like daughter, you might say, but KC is all KC.

Bravo KC!

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