More showbiz First Ladies

Last Saturday, I wrote about how Susan Roces would fare as First Lady of the land if her husband, Fernando Poe Jr., finally decides to run for President and win.

But aside from Ms. Roces, there are other actresses married to politicians or actor-poiticians who may also end up as First Lady, not necessarily in 2004, but in some other presidential race in the future. Here are some of them:

Helen Gamboa
– There was one presidential election I think when Ms. Gamboa’s husband, Sen. Tito Sotto, seriously considered running for Vice President. I don’t know what Sen. Sotto’s political plans are at the moment, but just in case he decides to run for President and wins, he’ll be bringing with him one of the loveliest First Ladies ever to be enthroned in Malacañang.

Helen Gamboa will make a good First Lady because she is basically an organized person. A Kapampangan, she is very good in the kitchen and should not have difficulty putting up state dinners in the Palace (I just hope she doesn’t make salad the national dish because she once put up a Salad Station business – remember?)

Entertainment at Malacañang won’t be a problem either with Helen as First Lady. After all, aside from being an excellent actress (she’s an Urian winner for Bagong Bayani), wasn’t she the original pop diva of this country? Don’t worry, I don’t think she’ll be singing Obladi Oblada or Bang-Shang-a-Lang in state functions. Through the years, she has developed a new repertoire of Tagalog songs my favorite of which is Kung Mahawi Man ang Ulap. In her absence, maybe her daughter Ciara Sotto can pinch-hit for her. (Ciara is studying music and is very good at operatic songs.)

Ms. Gamboa’s chief asset as First Lady, however, is her being well-bred and well-mannered. I’ve seen this in my personal dealings with her and I swear she’s one of the most decent people I’ve ever met in my life. She is truly the First Lady of manners and proper behavior.

Sharon Cuneta
– When Francis Pangilinan joined the Senate in 2001, it thrilled not a few to see Sharon join her maternal aunt Helen Gamboa in the roster of senatorial wives.

Years from now, who knows, Sharon may become a presidential wife – the First Lady of this country.

When that happens, Sharon will surely be known as the First Lady of the masses because – even as a pre-teen singing pop songs – she has always had a wonderful relationship with them.

When providing entertainment, Sharon – like her Aunt Helen – won’t have any trouble entertaining guests at the Palace because of her singing prowess. Most state functions would probably end up as concerts.

State dinners would perhaps be overflowing with food – not necessarily haute cuisine though because Sharon isn’t really a picky eater. But she loves food and loves to eat and you can bet that visiting dignitaries would tumble out of Malacañang all fat and overweight.

But unlike her Aunt Helen, I don’t think Sharon would be such a stickler for observing proper decorum even inside the Palace. A fun person, she is the type to have giggling fits– and we have yet to have a First Lady like that (but wouldn’t that be refreshing to see in an otherwise stiff and staid environment like Malacañang?).

And I don’t know if this is going to be a plus or a minus for her. You see, Sharon, although diplomatic and basically patient, is the type of person who’d tell you off if she doesn’t like you or something you’ve done. And yes, she is very transparent and I’m sure this won’t work in her favor considering the fact that Malacañang is one big snake pit.

But one thing you can be sure with Sharon: If her husband does become President, you can all rest assured that we will have one of the most sincere First Ladies ever in her.

(To be continued).

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