Young Star first salvo for 2003

It’s Young Star Magazine’s first salvo this 2003! Join us as we welcome the year with the latest trends and hottest faces. And before we embrace the season of love, let Young Star Magazine guide you through a guaranteed prosperous love life all year round. Hold on to your seats as we serve you a feast of the hottest couples in town, starting with our cover couple, pop diva Mandy Moore and the handsome Brad Turvey.

Let Mandy show why we simply just can’t get enough of Moore. To complete your menu, read on as we serve you 10 stories of love on and off the camera. Keep your hearts pounding with the off-screen-caffeine-filled tandem of Alessandra de Rossi and Polo Ravales, and sprinkle it with the glittery romance of Greg Martin and Clara Balaguer, Frank Garcia and Abby Cruz, Jay Salas and Maureen Brennan. Fall in love once more with the ultimate reel love teams on TV, from the matchmaking duo of KC Montero and Michi Valeriano, the sweet on-screen love affairs of Richard Gutierrez and Chynna Ortaleza; Karen delos Reyes and AJ Eigenman; Riley Valeroso and Angel Locsin; Bryan Revilla and Dyan Delfin. Read on and delve into the magical world of love and classic fairytales.

Now, as Cupid strikes his arrows this month, give your guy reasons to fall head over heels in love with you by wearing our special Valentine look. Spice it up with a dash of an Oriental wardrobe and the latest trend in 2003. Let our beauty aficionado Denise Go share her secrets to a new and beautiful you. And before you slip on that perfect dress for your date this month, check out what health buff Chinggay Andrada has to say about having that perfect figure for your perfect little date. When the going gets tough with you and your partner this season of love, don’t fret because Dr. Love Lucky Manzano is here for the rescue.

We’ve also prepared your favorite artists to serenade you this season. Check out the slicker than average Craig David with his new flava and the divine comeback of Sixpence None The Richer. Also featured are the latest attractions from cinemas near you, as well as the latest CDs and books up for grabs and much, much more!

So as you welcome 2003, don’t forget to get yourself a copy of Young Star Magazine’s back-to-back January and February issue. For subscription, please write to Young Star Magazine, 6/F JAKA Bldg. 6780 Ayala Avenue, Makati. For inquiries, call 892-18-54. For comments and suggestions, please e-mail Young Star Magazine…if it’s out there, it’s in here!

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