Rio none the worse after chemo


Could it be true that my favorite Sunday evening show on ABS-CBN, the satiric Eto Na ang Susunod na Kabanata (for which I unfailingly go home early) is good only until next month? The "signal" came when ABS-CBN bigwigs invited the whole cast to lunch (the "invitation" is something every ABS-CBN talent or show producer dreads most). To replace Kabanata is either Whattamen or Atta Girl, but it’s not sure yet who will star in either show. Stay tuned.
Two months ago, Rio Diaz left for the States with husband, Negros Occidental Rep. Charlie Cojuangco, for her regular check-up. She was told that there were symptoms of her cancer coming back, so Rio was advised to undergo yet another round of chemotherapy.

Several days ago, a rumor started circulating that Rio had become so serious that she sought doctors other than those who have been treating her at the Stanford Hospital in San Francisco, California.

Just when I, too, was starting to wonder, I received another letter from Rio updating me and Funfare readers on her present state of being. Here’s Rio in her own words (while Funfare wishes her a belated 42nd birthday last Aug. 20 – may Rio live to a ripe old age, with the blessing of the Lord):

Dearest Ricky,

I’m back! Charlie and I just arrived from the States. I’ve been away for more than two months and we were so excited to see our babies. We missed them so much – we decided not to tell anyone we were arriving and just popped in to surprise them all, in time for my birthday today (Aug. 20). The past few months have been quite exhausting as I spent most of my time in consultation with my oncologist, Dr. George Fisher, regarding my cancer. Incidentally, Dr. Fisher is coming to Manila on Sept. 6 to 7 for a convention headed by the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology (anyone interested, may call Erlyn at 721-9316.)

So many tests were done on me and endless blood works were performed on my arms, that after a while, I felt like a pin cushion. After a few days of waiting for the results, I was informed that I may have to do more chemotherapy soon.

My shallow thoughts began to dig deep into my heart and what ran through my mind became overwhelming. Tears welled in my eyes, and I knew I needed to seek comfort from my Heavenly Father as I was trying to gasp for air, and this was the verse He gave me:

Matthew 28:20: Surely I am with you always.
My Streams in the Desert book continued to say, never look ahead to the changes and challenges of this life in fear. Instead, as they arise I, look at them with full assurance that God will deliver you out of them. Hasn’t He kept you safe up to now? So hold His loving hand tightly and He will lead you safely through all things. And when you cannot stand, He will carry you in His arms. Do not look ahead to what may happen tomorrow. The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and everyday! Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you His unwavering strength that you may bear it.

How faithful God is to be there in the times I experience such a valley – and to know that I will not be given a burden I cannot bear. I quickly gathered all my anxious thoughts and my worries and I gave it all to Him. Oh, how wonderful to know that I never have to be strong on my own; I just have to be trusting in the Lord with all my heart, never having to lean on my own understanding. My Lord never said it would be easy but He promised, He will never leave me nor forsake me.

Never give up; I will never give up because God has said, "Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him my Savior and My God." To know that God’s grace accompanies life’s surprises reassures me that the ultimate responsibility for life rests in God’s hand. And with Jesus as my Lord and Savior, how can I lose!!! My tears became tears of Joy because I have a God that cannot lie and a God who has known me even before I was born.

I am so blessed and I thank God for this day, as I have the pleasure of being with my Mommy who’s the cutest, and my sisters and brothers who would do anything for me. My son Ali, who is all grown up and, would you believe, is now in college. He lives with my sister Coroy and brother-in-law Poch in L.A. In a few days, Charlie and I will be celebrating our 7th anniversary and I pray that he will be given the opportunity to be all that the Lord intends for him to be, hoping it would be a life glorifying to God. Leaving the children for two months was very difficult for me but He has blessed me with such good in-laws who have cared so much for Claudia and Jaime.

I leave you with a prayer that may be comforting to you – whenever you reach your own valley –

God of life, I reach out to you for help! On my own, I cannot walk through the days, and I need you to hold me up and keep me from fainting. Renew me in your strength. Breath your hope into my spirit, that I might believe that my heavy heart will again run and even rise up and fly on Eagles wings. Let the light of Your healing love shine into the deep hurt and the dark places in my heart. In the Name of Jesus the Lord of Love I pray. Amen!

God is good;

Love, sincerely,
dear friend,

Reader’s reaction

Reacting to a recent Funfare story about a "nostalgic" reunion among senior stars during Imelda Ilanan’s birthday bash, reader Virgilio Castillo e-mailed the following letter from Vienna, Austria:

Yes, for old times sake! Nice to know they’re still around, the actors of my generation. At last I could relate to a face I know. That Eddie Mesa is still alive and kicking is good news. Someone told me that Eddie Mesa died many years ago! That was really unfair! Please keep us posted with more news of the stars of the ’60s and the ’70s. Sarah Calvin was one of Sampaguita Pictures’ stars. Where are the others in her group like Shirley Moreno, Gina Pareño, Rosemarie Sonora, Blanca Gomez, Bert Leroy, Jr., Edgar Salcedo, Pepito Rodriguez, Dindo Fernando, etc.?

(Note: Among the Stars ’66, three have died. They were Dindo Fernando, Edgar Salcedo and Loretta Marquez. Among those left behind, only Gina Pareño is still very active both in movies and in television. Pepito Rodriguez has retired and manages his own business. Shirley Moreno has separated from her second husband, former actor Henry Stevens, and is now in the States, just like Blanca Gomez, Rosemarie Sonora and Bert Leroy, Jr. who all have families of their own. Pepito’s brother Ramil Rodriguez still acts every now and then, and also has his own business like Pepito.)

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