Guardian Angels of those born in July

As promised, here are the Guardian Angels of those born in July, culled from the book Who Is Your Guardian Angel? (by Veronique Jarry) given to me by Tempo’s Ronald Constantino:

• Nelchael (From July 2 to 6, Fifth Angel of The Thrones)

Nelchael rules over astronomy, mathematics, geography and all abstract sciences. He influences savants and philosophers. He wants his proteges to be interested in studying, in seeking a higher level intellectually, spiritually and even materially.

Nelchael also helps against slander, bad wishes or bad influences. In other words, any situation of disadvantage from the start can change drastically with the help of Nelchael. Bad luck or bad influences will go away. With this "good luck" Angel, his proteges can rise above situations of oppression or disadvantage. Everything is possible. They can succeed in any aspect of their lives.

Nelchael wants them to be just, faithful and giving. They will excel in fields where they can use these qualities. Talented in sciences and philosophy, they are also very imaginative. They are sensitive and can become great artists.

(Note: Nelchael is the Guardian Angel of Louis Armstrong, Cheryl Ladd, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Cruise, Franz Kafka and Gina Lollobrigida).

• Ieiaiel (From July 7 to 11, Sixth Angel of The Thrones)

Ieiaiel governs fame and financial success. He influences diplomacy and commerce. He rules over voyages and maritime expeditions and protects against wreckage.

His proteges have a good business sense. They analyze situations very sharply. They know where and how a deal is to be made. They can impress favorably the people that they are dealing with, and persuade them. They are most certainly gifted, and they should not take advantage of their good fortune for the wrong purposes. They must be careful not to use these talents to manipulate others.

They will like commerce and can be very industrious. Observant and inventive, they have liberal ideas and imagination. They can be very creative and their traveling will be constructive.

(Note: Ieiaiel is the Guardian Angel of Nelson Rockefeller, Pierre Cardin, Ringo Starr, Tom Hanks, Yul Brynner and Arthur Ashe.)

• Melahel (From July 12 to 16, Seventh Angel of The Thrones)

Melahel rules over waters and everything produced by the earth. He governs in particular all the medicinal plants. He helps his proteges to understand the laws of nature, the mechanisms of life. They will understand the logic between energy and creation, the link between an action and a result. They can, of course, be involved in health or nature-related fields, possibly natural healing. In any case, their logic of life will lead them to make the proper decision for positive results and to create.

Melahel also protects against weapons and ensures safe travel. He will help his proteges to be audacious and to have successful endeavors. They can get involved in daring endeavors, even dangerous ones, from which they will come out safe and successful. Committed and dynamic, they will be known for their honorable actions.

(Note: Melahel is the Guardian Angel of Gerard Ford, George Washington, Ingmar Bergman, Rembrandt, Harrisson Ford, Bill Cosby, Ginger Rogers and Barbara Stanwyck.)

• Hahuiah (From July 17 to 22, Eighth Angel of The Thrones)

Hahuiah gives the mercy from God. He protects against thieves and murderers. He rules over prisoners, fugitives and outcasts. Caring and protective, he forgives them and guides them, as long as they do not make the same mistakes again.

Hahuiah protects disadvantaged people, anyone in trouble spiritually or physically. He guides them on to the right way, the road of truth. He will help his proteges to eliminate any difficult situations and to reach harmony and fulfillment in their lives.

His proteges will like the Truth and exact sciences. They are honest and direct, and their words and actions will be sincere. They will stand up for the truth. Courageous and active, they will find harmony in their lives and can even lead other people onto the right way. Their will power, combined with the motherly love of Hahuiah, will produce great results.

(Note: Hahuiah is the Guardian Angel of Nelson Mandela, John Glenn, Ernest Hemingway, Donald Sutherland, Rose Kennedy and Natalie Wood).

• Nithaiah (From July 23 to 27, First Angel of The Dominations whose characteristics include grace and mercy, tolerance and kindness, desire and creation. The Prince-Archangel of The Dominations is Zadkiel and their Planet is Jupiter)

Nithaiah is the poet-Angel. He delivers prophecies in rhyme. Nithaiah governs occult sciences and wisdom. He represents the mastering of spiritual powers, which means not only white magic but also being able to understand the secrets of life. He reveals hidden mysteries, sometimes through dreams.

Nithaiah will help his proteges to see the true goal of life. He will surround them with spiritual forces. The strong will power that they will receive from him will allow them to dominate any situation.

Nithaiah gives his protection to wise and truthful people. They will be able to master higher sciences of the mind and can be very creative. They will love peace and solitude. And if they give precedence to the important values of life rather than their own prestige, they will lead a life of peaceful happiness. They can be very attractive, even magnetic.

(Note: Nithaiah is the Guardian Angel of Linda Carter, Stanley Kubrick, Carl Jung, Amelia Earhart and Simon Bolivar.)

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