Adlawan shines in Kopiko supercross

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu's pride Jon-Jon Adlawan once again showed why he is one of the country's top riders after ruling the pro open division of the 8th leg of Kopiko Astig 3-in-One supercross series the other day in Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo.

Adlawan snatched the title after edging out veteran riders Rhowell Mangosong IV and Phl's No.1 rider Glenn Aguilar who settled for second and third place, respectively.

Before making waves in Iloilo, Adlawan also dominated the pro open division in the Dumaguete leg last December and the Tacloban leg last June.

Completing the top five finishers in the pro open class is another Cebuano rider Jubenile Abellar and Ted Conde.

Mangosong, on the other hand, topped the pro lite category after beating Aguilar, while Adlawan settled for only third place this time. Abellar had another fourth-place finish, while Ambo Yapparcon occupied the fifth spot.

Jacob Orbe came out the fastest in the novice open production, Conde lorded it over in  the intermediate division, Christopher Jules Bandigan claimed the top spot in the beginners open, Felson Ray Baculpo snared the underbone crown, while Janelle took the top spot in the women’s class.

The rest of the winners were Glenn Gaid (peewee 50cc), Ompong Gabriel (peewee 65cc), Pia Gabriel (mini), Jed Luna (local enduro), John Almerino (open enduro), Tristan Galanto (veterans C), Ayen Ledesma (veterans B) and Irwin Lacnit (veterans A).—(FREEMAN)

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