Unitec, Boysen Paints seal top spots in UABC basketball tourney

CEBU, Philippines - Unitec Pipes and Boysen Paints waylaid separate foes to clinch the top two spots going into the semifinal round of the United Architects Basketball Club (UABC) Corporate Cup Season 6 at the Cebu Eastern College (CEC) gymnasium.

Jason Ong, Criz Matunog, Oliver Tan and Chad Go connived for 49 points as Unitec slammed Matimco, 82-59, while Michael Cinco returned to Boysen's fold with a bang, churning out 36 points to steer the Paint Masters to a 97-84 triumph over Puyat Steel. Josephril Partosa became the surprise package for Boysen after the flashy playmaker unloaded a season-high 21 points.

Unitec emerged as the elimination round topnotcher with an 8-2 win-loss record followed by Boysen Paints with a 6-4 slate.

Unitec and Boysen, thus, earned twice-to-beat incentives over Cebu Home and Builders and Durabend Pipes, respectively, in the playoffs next week.

Cebu Home and Builders became the third seed after it stunned Durabend, 68-59, at the end of the classification round last Sunday. They both finished with 5-5 cards but Cebu Home and Builders got the higher placing by virtue of a simple tie.

The scores

First game

Cebu Home  and Builders (68) – Villarin 14, Paradero 13, Osmeña 8, Maspiñas 6, Sesbreno 5, Villar 5, Llanos 4, Nasis 4, Basalo 3, Donasco 2, Lastimosa 2, Aves 2

Durabend (59) – Radomes 19, Panerio 11, Laguna 10, Somosot 8, Pepito 5, Choachuy 3, Sasan 2, Lim 1

Quarterscores: 19-10;31-22;48-45;68-59

Second game

Unitec (82) – J. Ong 14, Matunog 12, Tan O. 12, Go 11, Su 7, Decatoria 6, Pansit 6, Tan A. 6, Vega 6, Camello 2

Matimco (59) – Castillo 12, Emboy 11, Flores 10, Lumayag 8, Dabon 6, Donasco 6, Valleser 6

Quarterscores: 16-8;33-21;58-39;82-59

Third game

Boysen (97) - Cinco 36, Partosa 21, Anino 11, Manal 8, Parba 8, Alberto 5, Dilao 2, Rejuso 2, Hubahib 2, Vios 2

Puyat Steel (84) – Rizarri 22, Romero 15, Lacbayo 14, Adlawan 13, Panugaling 8, Silao 6, Go 4, Chavez 2

Quarterscores: 24-27;49-45;71-70;97-84— EBV (FREEMAN)

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