Our pride

Want to feel proud about being Filipino? Then head on to the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino tonight for Pinoy Pride XV.

This 15th edition of the boxing series that pits top as well as up and coming Pinoy fighters against foreign opponents is expected to be another slambang affair.

If you think I know the result as I wrote that it will make us proud to be Filipino, you’re wrong. Win or lose for our boxers, the Pinoy Pride series is something that we can really be proud of as it gives our pugilists a chance to showcase their wares and the fans here an opportunity to watch top-notch boxing live.

If I will still have energy after our outing today with our foster sons from Eiko Gakuen High School of Japan, I will surely be at Waterfront Hotel tonight.

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Snakes became quite popular this week after a zookeeper was bitten by a cobra and luckily survived when much-need anti-venom reached him on time.

One of the things we learned as boy scouts was how to treat snake bites. It was easy to memorize the procedure and we even probably studied which are poisonous and which are not, but when ordinary people like us come face-to-face with snakes, it is normal to get scared.

Several years ago, I had my first encounter with a snake at the golf course. After hitting my tee shot on the 14th hole of Rancho Palos Verdes in Davao City towards the wall on the left side, I tried to look for my ball.

But, shortly after I started my search, my caddie shouted that there was a snake right beside me and I did what most people would have done – I ran for my life hehehe…

I went back to the tee mound to hit another shot abandoning the first one and taking a penalty for such. I’d rather hit three from the tee mound than get bitten by a snake.

There was also one time at Cebu Country Club when I accidentally ran over a snake on the cart path of the hole number 3. It slithered away like nothing happened, but now I look around before I move forward on this hole.

The worst kind of snake is, however, not those that slither on the golf course, but those who look as human as us.

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Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Sambisig Class 1991 is holding the “Sambisig Shootfest 2012” this September 8 and 9 at the Camp Karingal Firing Range in Quezon City.

This is open to all shooting enthusiasts and is meant to promote practical shooting.

Proceeds of the event will be used to fund the various charitable activities of our class. If you would be interested to support the event, don’t hesitate to contact the members of our class.

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MILESTONES: Today is very special for our family as our baby turns another year older. Our baby already has four children of her own, but she will always remain our baby sister – Naika Quiñones-Addington.

Birthday greetings also go to Dr. Conrado ‘Junie’ Salonga, Jr., my foster brother and mistah Col. Romeo Racadio, lifestyle columnist Rycky Pilapil, and my compadre Jack Biantan.

Advance greetings go to outstanding Cebuano artist Dennis ‘Sio’ Montera, our former editor-in-chief Noel Pangilinan, and The Freeman’s Neil Mondragon, who are celebrating tomorrow.

More power to all of you! – THE FREEMAN

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