Dr. Marti memorial scrabble tomorrow

 CEBU, Philippines - To commemorate the 4th death anniversary of Cebuano scrabble patron Dr. Estrella C. Marti, the Cebu Scrabble Association will be staging an invitational tournament tomorrow at the Tenio residence in Banawa, Brgy. Guadalupe, this city.

Dr. Marti, the former CSA president who gained popularity for her long time running radio program on health, was a national scrabble player and top board contender of many-time Tri-Media scrabble champion DYRF.

Among the word wizards expected to see action in the one-day tilt include Teodoro Martus, Renante de la Cerna, Dart Eslao, Joel Toroy, Jullence Labalan, and Jowar Ayuno.

They will be joined by Jason Lim, Ursi Aparre, Puresa Fernandez, Nancy Dosdos, Vic Nator, Mercurion Fernandez, Fe Maramba, and Gina Batiancila among others.

The event is supported by Fe C. Tenio, an officer of CSA and sister of Dr. Marti, Lamberto "Boy" Castillo, Paz B. Pelaez and Engr. Vicente Marti. (FREEMAN)

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