Villa, Patunob rule Sto. Niño doubles darts tourney

CEBU, Philippines - Alvin Villa tallied his first triumph of the year through the Sto. Niño Nawanao Open Doubles darts tournament played in Subangdaku, Mandaue over the weekend.

Villa and fellow veteran player Marlito Patunob outsmarted Jojo Apostol and Roy Laude, 2-1, to win the title.

Villa had a sigh of relief when Apostol and Laude became erratic with their plays in the deciding match.

It was a sweet redemption of sort for Villa, who lost to Rodmar Branzuela, 1-2, in the singles final of the Yayoy’s Grill weekly darts tilt.

Branzuela though couldn't come up with back-to-back wins as he just placed third in the Mandaue event along with Morex Galanza.

Boy Campugan and Botoy Monacillo settled for fourth followed by the tandems of Gang-Gang Alfeche and Bayan Arco, Vicente dela Cerna and Carlo Camacaylan, Ajep Bartolini and Junbe Saberon, and Jerous Ponce and Jhuniel Candia. - THE FREEMAN

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