International bodybuilding tilt tonight

CEBU, Philippines - The biggest bodybuilding competition to hit Cebu, the 2011 Mr. & Ms. Philippines-Asia International Bodybuilding Championships, will take place at 5 pm today at the City Sports Club Cebu.

From over a hundred aspirants, only 54 of them will proceed to the final round.

 Close to 30 foreign bodybuilders are taking part in the event including bets from Hong Kong, New Zealand, Thailand, Pakistan, Malaysia and Singapore, according to event organizer Dennis Delgado of Workout Fitness Center.

The categories to be contested are the masters, Ms. Bikini Model, Mr. Novice, Mr. Athletic & Ms. Fitness & Ms. Figure together with the regular classes including tall, medium and short.

Only six entries will make it to the final round in each class.

The champion in the masters, tall, medium and short divisions will pocket P10,000 plus Keifie supplements worth P12,000.

The champion in each class will then vie for the overall crown.

The overall men’s champion will bring home an Ensayo Equipment worth P80,000, P50,000 cash and P15,000 worth of Keifie supplements.

   This international event is co-presented by Holiday Plaza Hotel, Lecit-E, Ang Sinangag Station, DYBN 92.3 Killer Bee, Energy Fm 94.7, Power FM 89.1, Cebu City Government and City Sports Club Cebu along with the The Freeman, Harold's Hotel, Paradise Garden Boracay, Hagnaya Beach Resort, The Maxwell Hotel, Valleyfront Hotel, Nigi Nigi Too Boracay, Superbalita, Jayb Media Production, Nature's Spring Water and the Cebu City Tourism Commission. (FREEMAN)

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