The wait is over

The San Francisco Giants wrapped up the World Series to end a 56-year wait for the moment of glory.

Yes, it took that long for the Giants to win the title again and one of my friends, who is very happy with the win is Jerry Capacio, who sent me a text message shortly after the San Francisco franchise trounced the Texas Rangers, 3-1 to wrap it up in five games.

The Giants were not exactly a favorite this season and in fact, as Jerry said, has been tagged as a bunch of misfits.

Now that Filipino-American Tim Lincecum has a World Series title added to his credentials, the next thing to do for the local baseball aficionados is to use this to encourage more children to pick up the game.

The Philippines used to be the best in Asia when it comes to this game played on a diamond, which is actually a square that has been laid out like the very precious gem, but now Japan, Taiwan, and Korea are among those that are doing so much better than us.

Jerry also pointed out how we seem to be very good in the age group level, but our athletes usually fizzle out beyond that. This is not only the case for baseball, but also tennis, golf, a several other sports.

We can ponder on this situation again and try to find solutions, but government alone cannot do it nor can the private sector alone. It has to be a partnership of the two sectors.

In order to push baseball, there also needs to be a lot of enthusiasm and interest, which had helped revive the interest in football about a decade ago.

It is not really that difficult if we put our hearts and minds into what ought to be done.

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After trying and failing to make it to the previous boxing events at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino, last Saturday, I made sure to find time for “Pinoy Pride” and got my fix for boxing action.

I used to cover all the fights when I was a new sportswriter, but now, I have to be satisfied with being able to watch a few promotions from time to time and get the feel of the action.

The boxing fans now are however more picky. Back 20 years ago when I was still learning the ropes of sportswriting, most fights were between Filipino boxers and it was only on rare occasions that we saw foreign fighters. 

Now, it seems that the fans have become a little picky. Promotions that feature Pinoys against foreigners have become a staple and I have seen an increasing number of young people watching the bouts.

The new media has also made it easier for people to research about the quality of the fighters, who are coming over, which means the promoters cannot just bring in patsies or nobody would buy tickets.

I hope that the interest of people in boxing will continue to flourish even if it would take more than an hour’s wait for all the vehicles to leave the car park after the fight card.

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MILESTONES: Belated birthday greetings to Marianne Yu-Tanco, Julie Itaas, Camilo ‘Dodong’ Grafe, Marlon Auza, Haidee Ingking and Ferdinand Lacadin, who all celebrated last Monday.

Belated greetings also go to Atty. Dexter Harold Emperador and Jien Jaranilla, who turned a year older yesterday. The same goes to two recent celebrators – my cousin Dr. Emick Belarmino-Villegas and Toledo City Vice Mayor Arlene ‘Dydee’ Espinosa-Zambo.

Today’s greetings go to Rep. Cutie del Mar, Charles Maxey Fernai Aguilar-Harris, and SkyCable’s Mary Ann Segers.

More power to all of you! – THE FREEMAN

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