Packed weekend of sports

When I asked a friend (who happens to be a sporting parent) about how his upcoming weekend would be, he said “Stressful.” “Stressful?” I asked, just to be sure I heard him correctly. He added “stressful but a lot of fun.”

He went on to explain that a son would have a football game at 1pm on Saturday (yesterday), and another would be playing in a basketball game at 4:30 pm of the same day. They would have to rush from one venue to the other where they’ll shout their lungs out cheering for their children. Exposed to the sun on a football field on a warm day is already stressful by itself. But when you add the drama of a game where a son is playing and where one has to cheer and shout from the stands, that makes up for a whole day of work. But it doesn’t end there. Another quick trip to the other son’s basketball game will have to be made. Although the game is held indoors and away from the sun, the heat and stuffiness of a gym is what greets the crowd. And another round of cheering and shouting will have to be done from the bleachers (actually monobloc chairs that are scattered where one is lucky if he finds one). Ironically, their sporty weekend actually started Friday night when their kids had to carbo load and Mommy had to prepare the pasta for dinner. Both daddy and mommy also had to make sure that the kids were in bed for a healthy eight-hour sleep. No more, no less. The weekend will end with the entire family tired but also energized and ready for the week.

If you happen to be a parent of an athlete, I’m sure you can relate to what we just wrote about above. Weekends for families with children involved in sports these days are no longer the leisurely walks in parks or malls. Weekends have become extensions of the regular weekday of classes and work, albeit with a different type of activity. Just when daddy and mommy thought they could take a quick nap on a lazy weekend afternoon, they’re at “work” preparing everything that’s needed for their children’s games. Weekends these days are simply “sporty.”

On a bigger scale, the Cebu sports scene is actually a repetition of this anecdote ten times over or even more. Each weekend is booked with sports activities in the form of tournaments, spectator events, practices or tune-up games. And many families are doing all these every weekend. While Mondays to Fridays (Saturdays for some) are all about work, Saturdays and Sundays are purely for the family’s sporty weekend. Holidays also automatically turn into “weekends” with an additional extra day for sports.

A quick look at this weekend in particular will already make a sports fan’s diary filled without a blank space. Last Friday and yesterday, the CESAFI had its Athletics (track and field) competitions for both high school and the collegiate levels. Then from yesterday till today, the CESAFI’s swimming competitions were also held. The CESAFI scrabble tournament is also being played this weekend. CESAFI football is being played every Saturday and Sunday and so are the games of the Aboitiz Cup football tournament. In a way, the break of the CESAFI basketball tournament this weekend has become a most welcome sight from the three to four days per week sked of basketball games. CESAFI volleyball, like football and basketball, is an ongoing marathon of games played every weekend.

Also kicking off this weekend is the GUV Cup, the province’s biggest event for volleyball. There’s also an international dancesport competition being held. With the CESAFI basketball teams taking a break, the PBA’s San Miguel squad is playing in a couple of exhibition games in Cebu. Then you have the championship games of the Milo-backed BEST SBP Passerelle Tournament played yesterday. Offhand, these are the only activities I can cite, but I’m sure there are more games being played at a venue near your place also this weekend. Cycling (road and mountain bike) and running are also regulars every weekend.

But what does this all mean? We’ve always talked about how Cebu can be a hotbed for sports, but have we realized that we already are? Just look at how just about every sport has an event or competition being held this weekend. While these may not be able to compete with the comfortable confines of the air-conditioned malls, bars and restaurants, we’re confident to say that it’s a better weekend alternative for the family.

So where were you this weekend? Lazying on a couch? Window shopping? Or having a sporty weekend?

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Time-out: Paging Mayor Jonas, when will Mandaue clean up the road leading to the Cansaga Bay bridge? What was supposed to be a four-lane road is a now narrow alley with extended living rooms, carinderias and parking lots.

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