Looking back and ahead

The year 2009 is about to wrap up. If this were a game we are in the dying moments. In golf, we should be setting up for our last putt before we again bring out those resolutions and hope for better things to come in the New Year.

Just like lame athletes, our resolutions are often good for a few days or maybe a few weeks then we’re back to what we used to do and put the resolutions on storage ready for use the next year like the decors that we store after Christmas.

This has been a wonderful year despite the many things that we might say had it made it a bad one. Maybe I am the perennial optimist or simply just too blind to see the bad things happening around us.

Let’s not lose hope though and pray that the good things we intend to do and the changes for the better that we want done in 2010 will happen. Sometimes it takes having somebody to do it with that will encourage you to do new things. It’s just like starting a new hobby or exercise routine.

While we look forward to the New Year, let us not forget the lessons we learned in 2009.

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It was like a walk down memory lane last Monday, when I was with two of my closest friends from our days at UP College Cebu – Atty. Vicente Fernandez II and Angelo Restificar.

Angie is here for a quick visit as he is now based in Manchester, England, where he does research in the university.

The three of us were all officers in the UP ROTC Unit. We also were all in the judo team and also played football.

After our college days, we took different paths, but the passion for those things we enjoyed seems to have not waned.

It was a fitting, though very brief, get together for us as it also allowed us to rekindle those dreams that helped bring us to where we are now in our journey in life.

One thing was obvious. Our passion for sports had helped us through many obstacles that came along.

Becoming successful in your career is a lot like trying to be better in a sport, you have to spend time to hone your skills and do the extra work if you want to excel.

This thought brings back memories of those days at the dojo when we had to repeat a set of movements over and over to perfect a particular judo throw and continue working on your technique even way after the practice hours and doing the movements again when you reach your home.

The results were not instant, but eventually the hard work paid off in terms of medals and the opportunity to play in national tournaments.

If you want to move ahead in the coming year, work for it. To improve your chances, add the adjective hard.

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MILESTONES: Today, my family will pay tribute to my late grandfather Cipriano Rosal Quiñones, Sr., who would have turned 92 years old. Lolo Opring is one man, who had a major impact in my life as I grew up with him having lost my father at a very young age.

I’d also like to extend my belated birthday greetings to my friends Marco Protacio of Waterfront Hotels and Jessie Saclo, who celebrated last Monday, and also to Engr. Joel Tolentino, who turned a year older last Christmas.

Belated greetings also go to those who celebrated yesterday like Julie Ouano-Haglund, my kumara Chuchi Rivera, and Remelyn Dayoc.

Today’s greetings go to my Tao brother Michael Mende, former The Freeman reporter Rezza Boy Omega, and Rizalyn Nellas.

More power to all of you!  

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