Gandionco tops September edition of CCC Monthly Medal

CEBU, Philippines - Junior golf champion Gio Gandionco scored two-over-par 74 strokes to bag the lowest gross honors in the September Monthly Medal of Cebu Country Club.

The tournament was played last Saturday.

The class A title went to Wendell Yap with a net score of 69 strokes off a gross 79. Runner-up honors went to Ricky Brown with a net 70 off a gross 78.

The class B title went to Jiji Gullas firing a net score of 66 off a gross 82 strokes. He won the title via the countback.

Runner-up honors in class B went to Manolet Heredia, a buddy of Gullas, who also finished with a net score of 66 strokes.

Ed Alegrado topped class C with a net score of 65 while runner-up honors went to Joni Cimafranca with a net score of 67.

Dr. Miguel Mancao, who recently turned 81 years old, won the class D title shooting a net score of 72 strokes. Runner-up honors went to Tsuyoshi Koike with a net score of 78.

The senior division title went to Masatsugu Ochiai with a net score of 70 strokes edging two others for the title. Runner-up honors went to Benjie Akol also with a net 70 edging Bugs Unchuan.

Joy Siguan ruled the guest division shooting a net score of 74 and winning via the countback. Runner-up honors went to Toby Florendo also with a net score of 74.—NLQ    (FREEMAN NEWS)


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