CCC club championships

Thanks to people from the golf clubs who are always very kind enough to send me the results of tournaments and competitions, I need not have to go around the various golf courses to get the latest.

Thanks also to friends, who call or text me win or lose, I get to know what happened even before I get to the office to check my email and fax messages.

My buddy Michael Go called me shortly after lunch yesterday that he lost to Korean Kim Kwang Seok in their semifinal match for class B of the Cebu Country Club Championships, 1-down after 19 holes.

That’s one thing I like about my good friend, he never fails to let me know the good or bad news. Well, very much unlike some people who can’t be contacted after they or their team have a bad day hehehe…

The semifinals of the club championships and the championship for classes B to D and the seniors’ category will be played today. The 36-hole final for the Club Championship is set Saturday.

Topseed Jovi Neri goes up against fifth seed Mark Dy in on end of the draw while seventh seed Montito Garcia, one of the winningest in the annual event, faces 13-year-old Lloyd Jefferson ‘LJ’ Go the sixth seed in the other match.

The championship for class B will be a battle between veteran Nonoy Tirol against Kim while Jack Limyutian battles Manuel Dy for the class C plum and the class D final will be between Noel Ybañez and Alfonso Tan.

Anton Florendo, who I met at the driving range the other day, scored a big one yesterday when he upset topseed Clifford Celdran to advance to the final of the seniors’ championship against Masatsugu Ochiai.

Tony Jackson, who was once my partner in the Coral Invitational, again lorded it over in the super seniors’ class with a 5 and 3 victory over Ryosuke Sekiguchi yesterday.

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While most people are probably following the conference finals matches in the NBA, I know of some people who are following Major League Baseball instead.

I am sure about that because I am more aware of what is happening to my favorite MLB team, the New York Yankees, rather than the outcome of the NBA games.

This passion for batted sports did not really return with the opening of the Fastball Batting Cages at the Aboitiz Sports Field, but more of something that was once kept in the closet until a new baseball fan emerged in our home.

I have always abhorred video games, especially the handheld ones, not because I was bad at the very popular Game and Watch when I was in high school, but because they distract kids so much.

One thing good that I found out about such games is that it opened the eyes of my son to the beauty of baseball and he seems to enjoy the real game so much that he checks the Internet for news on the Yankees even before opening his Friendster account.

With the school year about to start, we parents must once again impose our rules on these handheld games and hope that our children will make good use of the hard-earned money we paid the schools that we are sending them to.

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Milestone: Advanced birthday greetings to Atty. Marlon Yap, who was once a colleague here at The Freeman, who turns a year older tomorrow.

More power!

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