Brillo, Gutierrez rule Zamboanga beach volley

Cebu’s powerhouse tandem of Jusabelle Brillo and Florian Gutierrez came up with another stellar performance to rule the 1st Mayor’s Cup Beach Volley Competition in Katipunan, Zamboanga del Norte.

Brillo and Gutierrez played in perfect harmony to defeat fellow Cebuanas Janez Armie Igot and Marites Natad in straight sets, 21-18, 21-16 to clinch the crown.

Brillo and Gutierrez topped their bracket via three-game sweep.

In the crossover semifinals, Brillo and Gutierrez dumped Kennette Garces and Che-che Bohol to set up a championship clash with Igot and Natad, who eliminated Janelle Tabio and Rolyn Martiano.

In the final, Brillo and Gutierrez proved to much to handle for Igot and Natad. – Caecent No-ot Magsumbol    (THE FREEMAN)

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