Villarosa rules inaugural CRM bikefest

Celing Villarosa became the first winner of the Criterium Rider of the Month, the newest weekly racer competition here at the Mandaue City reclamation area.

Villarosa defeated Nonoy Abasola for the top spot, while Nanie Quijano wound up third. Rudy Mendoza was fourth followed by Ezra Arcena.

Unlike the Road Cycling of the Month (RCM), the CRM is exclusive to invited pedal pushers.

As of the moment, the organizers decided to have a criterium race  alone.

In the CRM, only the top five riders are given points with the top rider getting as much as 25 points. The second nets 20 points, the third 16, the fourth 13, and the fifth 11.

The rider with the most number of points in a month bags the CRM award.

The inaugural staging of the CRM was sponsored by Dan Wistihuff III, Ericnet and Lim’s Farm. – Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

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