Henkel ‘95 trounces GCM Royalle ‘98-B in CECABA hoop

Henkel Philippines ‘95 recovered from an ice-cold start to blow off GCM Royalle Merchandise ‘98-B,81-64, while Corner Bakery/Petrogas ‘92 prevailed over Security and Systems Monitoring ‘87, 63-50, in their emotional game on Tuesday night in the Cebu Eastern College Alumni Basketball Association’s 10th Dr. Chen Lieh Fu Memorial Cup at the City Sports Club -Cebu gym.

Tension flared when Dennis Chua of Class ‘87 punched Richard Lanutan of Class ‘92. As a result, Chua was banished from the hardcourt and will be meted with an automatic one-game suspension plus a P2,000 fine.

Class ‘92 led only by a matchstick at halftime, 29-28, but went strong in the final half where it edged out Class ‘87, 34-22, for the 213-point romp.

Mitchel Diputado came up with another solid double-double show, finishing with 19 points on top of 12 rebounds, while Lanutan pitched in 18 markers, four rebounds, four assists andd two steals for Class ‘92. Peter Dy and Michael Lim each scored 12 as they notched their only second win in six starts.

Henrich Chua topped with 17 points followed by John Quilacio with 14 points, five rebounds and two assists for Class ‘87, which slumped to its fifth defeat against only one victory.

Later in the day, spunky guard Donald Anthony Ting sparkled with a season-high 38 points spiked with five triples on an awesome 15-of-21 shooting from the field to singlehandedly carry Class ‘95 to its seventh win in eight games.

 Class ‘95 was down by eight points, 11-19, at the end of the first period, but Ting unloaded 26 points in the middle quarters where they outpointed Class ‘98-B, 46-20, to grab the lead for good, 57-39.

Dean Dy Teves chipped in 15 points and six rebounds for Class ‘95.

Robinson Yap netted 20 points and 12 rebounds for Class ‘98-B. Elvis Evangelista also had 20 points, while Leovigildo Yu donated 15 markers as they slipped to 7-2.

The scores

First game

Class ‘92 (63) - Diputado 19, Lanutan 18, Lim 10, Dy 10, Ngo 6

Class ‘87 (50) - H. Chua 17, Quilacio 14, Labadan 6, K. Lim 4, J. Lim 3, Tolentino 2, Lin 2, Angeles 2

Second game

Class ‘95 (81) - Ting 38, Dy Teves 15, J. Yu 9, Gollon 4, Tan 4, Dy 4, Gerzon 4, Chica 3

Class ‘98-B (64) - Yap 20, Evangelista 20, Yu 15, Co 5, Hernani 4 – EBV

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