Volleyball program attracts big crowd

One hundred sixty one participants attended the first phase of the 3-part province-wide volleyball development program held at the Provincial Capitol Social Hall last Thursday.

The huge turnout surprised no other than Cebu Volleyball Association (CEVA) executive director Nona Catipay who said they planned for only a hundred participants.

The delegates represented almost all the sectors from Sangguniang Kabataan (SK), Department of Education, coaches and coordinators from different barangays, municipalities and cities in the province.

During the 3-day workshop, participants had a rehash of the ABCs of volleyball and an actual case study game. After completing the workshop, participants were awarded certificates of participation, compact disk containing the history of volleyball, an FIVB new edition module and a souvenir t-shirt.

More important than the materials they received and the theories they learned, the delegates were encouraged to put to practice the things they learned.

Catipay urged those who completed the course to gather 20 to 30 players in their respective areas, especially the out-of-school youth, and train them. Catipay said that CEVA is willing to lend equipment to train those who make it to the pool. 

On the other hand, coming up for the coaches and trainers is licensing workshop supervised by the Philippine Volleyball Federation slated in the middle of the year.

The 3-part development program culminates with the staging of the 4th GUV Cup. — Caecent No-ot Magsumbol

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