Three teams extend winning streak to four in USC-PTA caging

The PTCA-South Campus, AC Sports and the PTA North scored contrasting wins last Sunday to stretch their unbeaten streak to four games in the 4th USC-BED SC PTA, Inc. basketball tournament at the South Campus covered court.

This strengthened the lead of PTA North in Group A while PTCA South and AC Sports share the top seat in Group B.

Big man Alaric Nazareno muscled his way for 25 points to lead the PTCA South in scoring a slim 53-49 win over the USC Main Faculty.

In the other game, sweet-shooting Abe Galinato had 30 points while Cesar Ortega and Reggi Licanda had 25 and 13 points, respectively, as AC Sports mangled Carpool, 98-90, and in the final game of the day, the PTA North demolished Mimosa Boutique, 80-66.

The crossover semifinals will be played next week and the finals will be on February 4 to coincide with the celebration of the Family Day.

The scores:

First Game:

PTCA South (53) - Nazareno 25, Basalo 11, Lopez 7, Menesis 6, Fornis 2, Carbon 2

Main Faculty (49) - Suazo 29, Reroma 4, Urbano 4, Laborte 4, Ravena 2, Maratas 2, Mina 2, Romero 2

Second Game:

AC Sports (98) - Galinato 30, Ortega 25, Licanda 13, Gabato 9, Omana 6. Baba 6, Gegate 5, Honoridez 4

Carpool (90) - Maspinas 20, Villarosa 20, Binondo 20, Denise 9, Pacres 6, Palagon 6, Lazaga 5, Paguntalan 4

Third Game:

PTA North (80) - Rita 19, Bantolinao 17, Yaun 12, Armenion 7, Otero 6, Duenos 6, Lapa 6, Ferrolino 3, Jo 2, Remedio 2

Mimosa (66) - Lu 16, Arnoco 16, Loquias 11, Sepe 10, Velayo 8, Kinkito 2, Salaritan 2

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