Lim sisters rule Pilmico bowling

Michelle Lim outlasted her sister Jacklyn in the championship round to bag the title in the 4th Pilmico Bowlingplex Tenpin Association Junior Classic Open Championship yesterday at Gaisano Bowlingplex.

Michelle finished at the top of the eight qualifiers, finishing with 2,515 pinfalls after 12 games as sister Jacklyn followed with 2,486 pinfalls.

Other qualifiers were Misha Co (2,481), Jomar Jumapao (2,461), Christopher James Foyle (2,436), Jake Yap (2,396) and Xyra Cabusas (2,389).

In Match I of the step-the-ladder format, it was Yap who started the strong, pinning down 221 to nose out Foyle, Dychangco and Cabusas.

However, it turned out to be Yap's last hurrah as he finished last in the second match with 171, Jacklyn, who had 226 pinfalls as favorites Jumapao and Co fell short, scoring 210 and 182 pinfalls, respectively.

In the championship, Michelle proved more consistent and accurate in her throws and edged her sister by finishing with 191 pinfalls, which was more than enough to topple Jacklyn, who tallied 182 pinfalls.

Michelle won a reactive ball for her feat while Jacklyn received spare ball. Both are nursing students at Velez College.

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