

Gilas girls rout Lebanon

Gilas girls rout Lebanon

MANILA, Philippines – Gilas Pilipinas cruised to yet another blowout win against Lebanon, 89-63, to stay unbeaten and clinch an outright semifinal berth in the 2024 FIBA Asia Cup Division B on Tuesday at the Futian Sports Park in Shenzhen, China.

Naomi Natalie Panganiban flirted with a triple double of 25 points, seven rebounds and eight assists on top four steals as Filipina ballers picked up from where they left off after a 141-18 obliteration of Maldives.

Gilas zoomed to a 2-0 slate for a solo leadership in Group B and a sure seat in the semis, striking closer to a Division A promotion bid.

Gabby Ramos and Tiffany Reyes threw in 12 points apiece for Gilas, which will shoot for a group sweep against Syria Wednesday.

Gilas is eyeing to achieve the same feat of the U16 team that reigned supreme in Division B last year to barge into the Division A featuring the Asia’s best teams led by Australia, Japan and China, New Zealand and South Korea. 

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