
Cebu News

Massive road clearing enforced anew

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — A massive road-clearing operation in the barangays is currently being undertaken in Cebu City.

This is based on a memorandum from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG).

Under the memo, local government units are reminded to exercise powers and discharge functions and responsibilities as are necessary appropriate, or incidental to the efficient and effective provision of infrastructure facilities including local roads and bridges.

Approved ordinances regulating traffic on all streets and bridges, and prohibiting encroachments or obstacles are also expected to be enforced.

The ongoing clearing operations in the barangays are being conducted by combined forces from the DILG, police force, barangay officials, the Cebu City Transportation Office, Cebu City Fire Department, Cebu Environmental Sanitation and Enforcement Team (CESET), Prevention, Restoration, Order, Beautification and Enhancement (PROBE) team and other departments.

Several clearing operations have already been done in the past here, but there are still businesses and even residences that have encroached on the sidewalks anew.

So far, those that already underwent clearing include barangays Ermita, Pasil, Suba, Sawang Calero, Mambaling, Basak San Nicolas, Cogon Pardo, and Inayawan.

Mostly, those that are occupying the sidewalks are car wash businesses, as observed by PROBE head Grace Luardo.

"Hangyo lang, tangtanga nalang na, kay agianan mana sa mga tawo. Kun duna sila'y negosyo (carwash) ana, dapat naa sila'y kaugalingong lugar,” Luardo said to The Freeman.

“Kasagaran baya, kung atong aksyonan, kita dayon ang himoong bati. Igo raman ta nipatuman sa kahapsay sa siyudad," added Luardo.

Luardo also urged residents and other establishments to keep off the sidewalks.

Aside from clearing, the city government is also taking this time as an opportunity to clean up further the city streets. — Sanden J. Anadia, GMR (FREEMAN)

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