
Cebu News

DVMF beefs up animal rescue

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — The Cebu City government, through the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF), vows to strengthen its animal rescue team here.

An interim team had been formed already, but nothing has been made formal yet, said former Apas barangay captain and now one of the mayor’s special assistants, Ramil Ayuman.

DVMF Head Dr. Jessica Maribojoc saw the need to strengthen its rescue team following the rescue of a stray cat that was trapped and fell off from the 18th floor of a condominium in Labangon the other day.

Maribojoc told reporters yesterday that it was Ayuman who coordinated with the concerned departments to rescue the cat after receiving reports that it was no longer eating and must have been very exhausted.

The risks involved in the rescue were also noted as the need for better equipment for the dedicated rescue team.

During the rescue attempt, the stray cat eventually jumped off, but luckily managed to land uninjured on a roof and was given attention by a veterinarian right away.

The rescued cat would have a new home soon, as someone has already pledged to adopt the stray cat once cleared by the attending vet, according to Theresa Marie Vidal of Furrytails Haven.

Maribojoc said the animal rescue team will be very important, not only in a normal rescue situation for animals, but also in fires and other disasters.

The other departments in the city government will have to be represented, as DVMF does not have all the resources, expertise, and manpower for this.

“Dili lang ni siya intention for the rescue nga routine lang nga rescue, intended ni siya kung naay  mga calamities nga mahitabo sa Cebu City like kung naay sunog, naay baha or naay pareha atong gahapon, naay emergency. SOP or abrupt or ready gyud ang team sa pag-respond, naa na dayon ang kaning interim, dili kay magtinawagay pa,” said Maribojoc.

Earlier, the city government was also in the process of establishing an animal welfare desk to respond to animal cruelty.

Vice Mayor Raymond Garcia is happy over the creation of an animal rescue/disaster team.

“Niingon sila nga the true measure of how the city treats its constituents is how it treats its animals…Mao nga, as chairman of the committee on animal welfare, nalipay gyud ko sa pag mugna aning Cebu City animal disaster team. It just shows we care for the animals of the city, and that we are serious about implementing an animal welfare program in the city. — Rowena Capistrano, GAN (FREEMAN)

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