
Cebu News

Clearing operations in Nivel Hills resume

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — The clearing operations at the Veteran’s drive in Nivel Hills, Cebu City has resumed as the city government aims to recover the sidewalks in the area for the residents and tourists alike.

This is the second time that clearing operations took place in the area.  The first was last September 20.

Not all structures that had violations were demolished right away, as they were given notices first to inform them to clear the area themselves.

Engineer Editha Peros of the Cebu City Hilly Land Office, through the city’s PIO, said some of the residents or structure owners that were given final notices just ignored it.

For those who did not voluntarily clear their area that encroached on the sidewalk, the materials and even some products sold and displayed during the clearing operations were confiscated, since structure owners were already given ample time to do it themselves.

The structure owners did not resist the operation, as they are very well aware of their violations.

Some of the residents are happy that such clearing operations took place, as it is also for their own safety.

Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama has earlier ordered the recovery of sidewalks for everyone’s safety.

This is also part of his Singapore-like vision to make the city clean, beautiful, safe, and more progressive.

Aside from the sidewalks, the city government is also pursuing the clearing of the three-meter easement in the city’s waterways, in order to revive the dead rivers and solve the massive flooding in the city. — GAN (FREEMAN)

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