
Cebu News

AFP to raise alert status if needed during polls

Mae Clydyl L. Avila - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — If the need arises, the Armed Forces of the Philippines-Central Command is prepared to raise the alert status to “red” on May 13.


Lieutenant General Noel Clement, commander of AFP-CentCom stationed in Camp Lapu-Lapu, said that all forces augmented from different areas will be recalled to help with the preparations in the Visayas area.

In particular, those assigned in Negros Oriental, which the president had previously tagged as a lawless area amid the presence of rebel groups, may be asked to help in the poll security task.

As of the moment, they are still in “white alert” status, except for the intelligence group, which is always on “red alert.”

It means that the intelligence group is constantly working to monitor and validate threats of terrorism in the Visayas.

Clement said Cebu is a target of atrocities because of the number of tourists visiting the island.

"We will always be (a) target, due to the number of tourists. We are on normal alert status, but intel ay always red.  We make sure that all threats are prevented and walay maka-disrupt sa activities. We will raise the alert status as election nears, but depende sa activities until the elections," Clement said.

He also encouraged the public to be extra vigilant of their surroundings and to immediately report suspicious persons and items to authorities.

"Terroristic activity can happen anywhere. Wala siyay gipili nga lugar, gender.  So, it is important nga mag-monitor ta. Ako lang, the people should realize that this concern is our concern collectively. If there are people, nga part of this activity, dapat report nila beforehand, para di na maghuwat," he said.

He added that all AFP commanders will be called to a meeting in Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo to discuss deployment plans for the May elections.

Clement said they will determine exactly how many personnel will be deployed in Cebu and Negros Oriental after that meeting. — GAN (FREEMAN)

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