
Cebu News

Rama wants CCMC done by December

Ma. Fatima R. Secuya - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - The new Cebu City Medical Center is expected to be completed earlier than schedule upon the request of Mayor Michael Rama.

City Engineer Jose Marie Poblete, who heads the Special Project Management Team for CCMC, said Rama asked the contractors to finish the construction earlier so it can serve the public the soonest time possible.

Poblete said they are planning to finish the first phase of the building construction by December instead of the original schedule on April 2017.

“With the cooperation sa contractor and with all the foundations necessary, we believe nga kaya man,” said Poblete.

C.E. Padilla Construction Inc. is doing the first phase of the project in the amount of P514,979,659.28. Poblete said the contractor has initially agreed to the mayor’s request. They, however, have to discuss it formally since it was only done verbally.

 “We still don’t have clear commitment sa contractor as to written document for this new agreement but in principle, mura man to og ni-agree ang contractor,” said Poblete.

He said the new agreement might require them to revise the schedule in the contract.

According to Poblete, Rama is eager to have the new CCMC operational as soon as possible, prompting him to request the contractor to fast track the construction.

“The earlier nga maka-serve sa constituents, the better for the Cebuanos. And ang ako lang is, notwithstanding the written agreement gyud, para nako ang gusto sa mayor is achievable man,” said Poblete.

Poblete said they are positive that the first phase of the building will be finished by December.

It was also reported earlier that the contractor claimed they are six percent ahead of schedule with 30.15 percent accomplishment.

But as of last week, Poblete said they already accomplished 36.9 percent of the new hospital.

Poblete also assured the public that the quality of the construction will not be affected even if they will have to revise the agreement because they are always there to check all the measures, sizes and everything that has to be done to make sure the building is safe.

“Unya amo man sad sila gi-assist nga dili sad ma overburden ang contractor ani,” said Poblete. (FREEMAN)

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