
Cebu News

On killing of Labor Union Official, PAMCC denies any “labor dispute”

Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon and Ria Mae Y. Booc/ATO - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines - The Provincial Intelligence Branch and the Provincial Investigation and Detective Management Branch is still eyeing on “labor dispute” as the motive for the killing of a labor union official at Carmen Copper Corporation (CCC) in Barangay Ibo, Toledo City last Tuesday evening.

But this has been denied by the Panaghiusa sa Mamumuo sa Carmen Copper–Association of Genuine Labor Organization (PAMCC–AGLO) who stressed that there is no conflict with the labor union of CCC, thus could not be linked to the killing of 45-year old Julito Moneva, who was shot dead last Oct. 1.

Tony Cuizon, president of PAMCC–AGLO, said that as far as their union is concerned, there is no existing conflict in CCC.

“We are deeply saddened with the death of our co-worker Julito Moneva and we extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and relatives, we too are in the dark as to what is the possible motive behind his murder. That is why it came to us as a shock upon reading the news reports linking PAMCC to his murder”, Cuizon said in a statement sent to The Freeman.

Chief Insp. Michael Bastes, Toledo City police chief, have earlier stated that they are eyeing labor dispute as the possible motive for the killing.   Yesterday, Cebu Provincial Police Office (CPPO) Director, Sr. Supt. Noel Gillamac said that they are looking into the motive to be work-related since Moneva was a labor union official.

“More on work-related ni siya kay the incident was linked to previous killings nga connected gihapon sa labor dispute sa union,” Gillamac said.

But PAMCC-AGLO is challenging for a thorough investigation to be made first before statements on the matter are issued.

“Because our hard earned reputation as a union is at stake here and in a bigger picture, the peaceful business climate in Toledo might be jeopardized by such baseless statements,” Cuizon said.

He stressed that they have a harmonious relationship with the management of the company and that the Collective Bargaining Agreement between PAMCC and Carmen Copper Corporation is in effect until 2017 and duly registered under the Department of Labor and Employment.

More importantly, Cuizon said that they have a fully functional grievance procedure so that if labor disputes arise, it will be addressed appropriately.

“We even have an ongoing joint housing project for all Carmen Copper employees,” he added.

Cuizon said that the reported labor dispute may be referring to a previous dispute among two labor unions in CCC.

He explained that PAMCC is the incumbent union but the Carmen Copper Workers Labor Organization (CCWLO) challenged the PAMCC in the Certification Election in January of this year.

Moneva was a board member of the CCWLO.

He added that DOLE already cancelled the registration of CCWLO and delisted the said union on the list of registered legitimate labor organizations with finality last May of this year.

Cuizon said that PAMCC has been recognized as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of all regular rank and file employees of the said mining company.

However, he emphasized that there is no rivalry or dispute between the two unions for this has been settled months ago with the DOLE decision while the CCC management has complied with the said decision by recognizing PAMCC as the legitimate Union.

Therefore, he said, it is against their interest to commit condemnable acts as this will disrupt the status quo.

Moneva was gunned down while heading home on board his motorcycle last October 1 and succumbed to multiple gunshot wounds in different parts of his body.

Recovered from the scene was a .45 magazine, six bullets, seven empty shells of the same caliber and a deformed slug.

Marivic Moneva, wife of Julito, pleads for justice for her husband before they bury his remains on October 10.

“Hatagan unta ug hustisya akong bana kay ang akong mga anak wala pa’y trabaho lisod kaayo (Justice should be served for my husband. My children don’t have jobs yet so it’s very difficult),” she said in a interview over TV Aksyon Balita where she added that her husband had threats last week. — (FREEMAN)

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