Court implements “No ID No Entry” policy

CEBU, Philippines -  Starting Monday, guards at the Palace of Justice will no longer allow the entry of people who do not have IDs.

This is one of the policies to be implemented to strengthen security at the courts after last Tuesday’s shooting incident wherein a Canadian gunned down a doctor and a lawyer and injured a lady prosecutor.

Regional Trial Court Judge Macaundas Hadjirasul of Branch 8, committee chair on security at the Palace of Justice, said this was the result of their meeting with Supreme Court Administrator Jose Maidas and other judges.

The court will also ask the security agency to assign a lady guard to frisk women visitors.

Police Regional Office 7 Director Marcelo Garbo, meanwhile, said he will send his men to “survey” the security at the courts and come up with recommendations.

Prosecutor Ma. Theresa Casiño, who was shot in the nape, is still in the intensive care unit but is already responsive, according to Prosecutor Liceria Rabillas.

She said Casiño can now talk and thought she is in the hospital because of a heart attack. Casiño’s vision is still blurry but this is an improvement because she initially could not see. Because the slug is embedded in a main blood vessel, Rabillas said, there is a possibility that Casiño will not undergo surgery.

Moreover, Rabillas said they continue to appeal for help as the prosecutor’s hospital bill reached P100,000 as of last Thursday. Though several officials pledged to assist financially, he said they don’t know until when Casiño will be staying at the hospital.

They likewise appeal for prayers for the immediate recovery of Casiño. A mass was held inside the Cebu City Prosecutor’s Office yesterday, which City Prosecutor Nicolas Sellon said was for the immediate recovery of Casiño.

On security matters, Hadjirasul said all officials and employees of all agencies holding office inside the Palace of Justice must wear at all times their IDs while inside.

The memorandum issued yesterday stated the policy will also extend to visitors, including members of the media.

“All visitors in the Hall of Justice shall be thoroughly inspected, their bags… and required to present IDs, write their names, purpose and destination the times of their entry and exit… and to wear a visitor’s tag at all times while they are inside the Hall of Justice,” the memorandum reads.

Hadjirasul likewise told the media that those who have no business or legitimate purpose will not be allowed to enter the courts. Fixers, vendors of foods or any merchandise are likewise banned from the court building.

Security officers are also asked to open only two doors of the building.

“No entry or exit shall be allowed in the Hall of Justice except the two main entrances in front and at the back. All other entrances and exits shall be sealed. The windows of all the comfort rooms at the ground floor shall also be sealed,” the memorandum reads.  The back door facing the Legislative Building, Hadjirasul said, will only be for judges, court employees and prosecutors. All lawyers, litigants and visitors will use the main entrance.

Hadjirasul added no visitors shall be allowed to stay inside the court beyond 12: 00 noon and past 5:00 p.m. unless they have unfinished business in the Office of the Clerk of Court.

The roving Judicial Security Group (JSG), he said, will escort the visitor out of the Palace of Justice if violates the memorandum.

Garbo directed his men to conduct a security survey at the Palace of Justice. He tasked Supt. Pablo Labra II, deputy head of the PRO 7 Regional Intelligence Division, to lead the conduct of the security survey and come up with the recommendations.

RID is also in the process of determining the source of Pope’s guns.

“That is a challenge to our intelligence operatives, but in due time, we will have breakthroughs,” he added.

Pope had two guns - a caliber .357 revolver that he used in shooting his victims and allegedly himself and a caliber .45 pistol recovered from his bag.

In May 2011, Pope was also arrested for allegedly carrying a gun while waiting outside the clinic of Dr. Rene Rafols, one of those he killed last Tuesday.  (FREEMAN)


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